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Status Updates posted by talonh1

  1. @Toimatom @Sinatragal1 @ddiiggss @kassandra_m @larryelder @marcorubio @davidhogg111 Yawn, now you just boring me.… https://t.co/cSyHdJR8Er

  2. @Sinatragal1 @Toimatom @ddiiggss @kassandra_m @larryelder @marcorubio @davidhogg111 Oh you poor thing. It must be d… https://t.co/U4Ux29IJx0

  3. @MartysaurusRex Dry you tears. Let's face it last year was a bad look for you. You chose a profession with maximu… https://t.co/gWcYQpPBfv

  4. @DamianWayne173 @TrumpUpdate Triggered!

  5. @Melanie03059799 @marthamaccallum Fake news

  6. @RealKyleMorris I'm sure your outrage extends to Mr "suck on my machine gun" Nugent as well.

  7. @GaetaSusan @1DeplorableGirl OMG!!! Where does Trump finish at the golf course??? AT THE GREEN! He must be an Is… https://t.co/EQ9nZ9hljB

  8. @namemeifucan @VivaLaAmes12 @Andrewc71517832 No proof of election fraud you call for more regulations. 17 children… https://t.co/uHctlAlXCY

  9. @unscriptedmike @Patriot0781 How many of your tweets use the term Obama? We are in 2018 now. Try some consistency.

  10. @Tee_Quake @Melinda46288149 Yawn, how about the Russian colluding current POTUS match Obama be releasing hos tax records. #hypocrites

  11. @dbongino Memo released https://t.co/48ijecShiF

  12. @jstanton6 @RepMarkMeadows @AnnCoulter @SenateDems @chuckschumer Doesn't @jstanton6 realize there is tape of Trump… https://t.co/UiQo32lEVZ

  13. @dougdougiedoug1 @larryelder @DebAlwaystrump Voter ID was in place. Now you are talking about criminal law? Roy M… https://t.co/zKfwqQ2pv0

  14. @caasielin1 Lmao this was interesting convo until you so clearly lost that you were left with stalking, name callin… https://t.co/e3kXmnb3TD

  15. @Morning_Trump_2 @GloriaAllred @DNC @TheDemocrats @SenateDems Roy Moore would fail a real test. He hasn't done it… https://t.co/sKQQWnoRpT

  16. @DeplorableYYC @DeezThoughtsAre @CassandraRules @AnaKasparian And yet Moore hasn't actually filed anything. Meanin… https://t.co/bFWUMYATtH

  17. @AJMRC1 @dannybeck59 @DianaBialkowski @Dicamp3667 @Veritas_2016 @dls58 @155thMed @Patrici82841064 @GodElectedTrump… https://t.co/ar2Mgaj6fI

  18. @CollinRugg @FDG65 is the most thin skinned twink I've seen in ages.

  19. @lovelake_nature @TamaraWhiston @PRheydt @GrantJKidney Watch again you are wrong. The only corruption is twinkie M… https://t.co/3XJo159bQe

  20. @AjitPaiFCC @FCC Crooked Pai at it again. #paidoffpai

  21. @sprintcare @dclevy @marceloclaure Why wait? ED customers should have been taken care of when you dropped 2yr. #loyalnomore

  22. Why waste your time fiddling with settings when you get into the car? Just use #nfctasklauncher on your Android Device: http://t.co/PqFdklbq

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