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Status Updates posted by austinxhammer

  1. I just entered the Mean Girls lottery to win $42.50 tickets! https://t.co/2BDvwFZz0s via @Lucky_Seat

  2. RT @CynthiaNixon: Watch Edie Falco (!) explain how the fake Democrats in the IDC are preventing NY from being a real blue state. This Septe…

  3. @HeyBuckHey Just saw Hello Dolly last night and loved it! I had never seen the show before and expected to fall asl… https://t.co/BJJBPYsvId

  4. @dan_abramov q about redux structure and encapsulation. feature folder pattern = easier to encapsulate and reason a… https://t.co/ftGtJIydXk

  5. I just entered the Kinky Boots lottery to win $40 tickets! https://t.co/4VVSIKbNVe via @Lucky_Seat

  6. @NomikiKonst you were on fire at the URC meeting - inspired by you and @ninaturner’s impassioned speeches

  7. RT @TravWeav: Bought 1,500 bitcoin in 2011 for $2.87 each. I will pick 5 random people who retweet this and give one to each of you. Merry…

  8. @treshaus @JoyAnnReid None of those things you listed are contradictory.

  9. @EmmyA2 Can’t tell if @emmyA2 is a disingenuous Russian troll or a bitter Hillary supporter. They often say the sam… https://t.co/R9DAF1C2EQ

  10. RT @dan_abramov: If you write client-side JS you’re just as much a software developer as people writing backends, native apps etc. As right…

  11. @matthewstoller This is literally just them displaying what shows are playing on artists YouTube vids w link to Ticketmaster.

  12. @eliotwb WeWork bought this company over a year ago. Y’all are talking about it now to drive clicks.

  13. @mattyglesias Bad compared to what they promise or pretend to represent.

  14. @jonlovett would love to see you interview @AustinFrerick on PSA - Dem house candidate in Iowa running on anti monopoly platform.

  15. @brenmrob Do you have a particular org in mind? I donate to lots of candidates I want to support (like… https://t.co/WO2wOBu3zE

  16. @ggreenwald Surprised more people haven’t come forward with stories beyond Anthony. I know from many friends that S… https://t.co/Bob6nUerzx

  17. @mattyglesias If only Prop 13 did not cap property taxes and incentivize property squatting. Policy effects prices… https://t.co/NlaHOH1uJ2

  18. RT @matthewstoller: This is basically how I think New Dealers would have taken on Google, Facebook, and Amazon. https://t.co/g6cuDtzOXm

  19. @SlackHQ my Mac Slack app always shows two workspaces (duplicate of first) but I only have one. Every time I Remove… https://t.co/31s9p1Dm5l

  20. @AustinFrerick Just donated! Also we have the same first name :)

  21. @SpotifyCares After a day, reinstall helped - battery dropped from over 50 to 15%. Still high for music app but way better than before!

  22. @ezraklein Get over your hard on for “process”. Era of privileged playing cynical game of football with our govt is… https://t.co/BnAA2o8mmX

  23. @eisingerj biggest q to you - what specific crime would you charge bankers from 2007 with? I'm trying to win an arg w my biglaw roommate.

  24. RT @BrucesCoworker: I also shake my head at the idea the Bush admin included mortgage writedowns in the TARP bailout but Obama admin took t…

  25. I'm at Sacramento International Airport (SMF) - @sacintlairport (Sacramento, CA) w/ 9 others http://t.co/IZdbxuC0FA

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