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Blog Comments posted by sprintjs

  1. Not to be negative, but it is almost December and I have heard NOTHING about West Michigan. My contract will be up pretty soon, and I'm afraid that if I don't hear anything OFFICIAL about West Michigan, I will be forced to switch to Verizon. I was duped by Sprint with my EVO 4G, and I have had nothing but brutally slow 3G for the past 2 years (I'm lucky to get 100Kb/s). I won't be fooled again.

    Im not going to give you the shenanigans about towers, but I got the note 2 and that device is the absolute best device. I still questioned by the choice of the label, Optimus G. But that is another great device. Sprint is turning around. I have seen them out at sites in west Michigan. Working at Sprint I have heard a lot of, "soon" or "in the future". But being in Michigan City and most of Indy, it has to be soon! just ride out as long as you can. I cant see getting data caps and paying more.

  2. Robert, there is some activity in the michigan area. Ive seen them out working on the towers, and have heard of other areas being worked on. Just no say in when they actually turn them on. Hopefully very soon, because the market here is falling and customers with this nextel switch are not taking it well at all.

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