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Status Updates posted by tyklip

  1. @g_the_de @chrislhayes Well, there was a decent space of time between losing him and the The releasing of the album… https://t.co/C4SNJBeDDZ

  2. @iversion @casualhexes @kfergyferg3 @NoahJSnyder @mikemuon @mattyglesias Yeah, it was needless. Smearing one after… https://t.co/RLDX4HSWRk

  3. @shadihamid Should Clinton have intervened in the Congo Civil War in the 90s? Millions died as a result of that war.

  4. @TheStalwart @michaelbd False dichotomy

  5. @marion_ohio But if the insurgents could maintain the same level of support without small arms (which is entirely p… https://t.co/2bfyImX2Kh

  6. @marion_ohio @JamesSurowiecki @HeerJeet "no wants to rule over ashes." so then it isn't really about firepower is it.

  7. @Celticlassy10 @TM_Huffman @ExumAM At the high school or middle school level? Show me peer-reviewed papers on that… https://t.co/o6BWJTBk18

  8. @clouspringer @EsotericCD I get that, but that is really hard to do with these artificial things we call districts.

  9. @C_Garthwaite Impossible question for Twitter, but figured I’d give it a shot: what policy proposals would you recommend?

  10. @DenisonBe @DanielLarison You should write something

  11. @VelvetxTwist @DougKyed That's the point. It's definitely not clear.

  12. @YardsPerPass Cosign spy. As a coach, doesn't often work the way it seems like it should. The field is big.

  13. @YardsPerPass Yeah, the problem is Tyrod here. Can't let option man slow play it.

  14. @Ali_H_Soufan Genuine question: wasn't one of your original reasons for going after the proto-state b/c it would reduce global attacks?

  15. @CTIronman @michaelbd @charlescwcooke No, but there was a successful economic boycott going on administered by the… https://t.co/hUS7k6LAcc

  16. @ethicistforhire That isn't compelling to me at all, though neither was Fanon

  17. @jamisonfoser @brianbeutler Is Wray unqualified? That's the question.

  18. getting tired of writing "awk", using twitter as outlet is therapeutic. not.

  19. We can't kill our way out of this mess says Romney? Coulda fooled me. #debates

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