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Posts posted by Kelden21

  1. Getting LTE spots in Downtown Minneapolis, at long last. Nothing showing up in the Warehouse District as of today, though I did get word from a friend he had signal all through the night until he left for work (along 9th and Marquette). This is welcome news, because you could hardly use the 3g that was available at the time.


    My first speedtest was run outdoors on Marquette and 5th St netted me 31kbps down / 44kbps upload, 1194ms latency. I was thuroughly dissapointed for a new subscriber, so this is welcome news.


    I'm right there with you. I generally work in Minneapolis, and the current 3g speeds are about as close to unusable as I can imagine. I came from Verizon and though I have no one to blame but myself for not doing my research, the difference in speed is staggering.


    I just ran a speed test and was at 26 kbps/19 kbps with 900ms latency. That's from the Lake/1st Ave area in MPLS.


    Nowhere to go but up I suppose.

  2. I was out there a few days ago trying to add to the map. I didn't get signal very far from the tower, maybe a half mile at most, though I was not on the highway where the signal appears to extend a bit further.


    The tower is very short, I'd say 50 feet. here's a photo of it, taken from maybe 50 feet away.

    I'm not sure, but I think it takes a bit before your phone will connect to LTE, so if you are driving by, you might not ever see it.


    Wow, I'm impressed with the response. Where exactly is that tower? I'm a little new to Sprint and don't really know where precisely their towers are.


    edit: Looks like it's in Hilltop. So is the range of that tower pretty much as strong as it's going to get? I'm just north of 694 and would love to have it in the house, and that tower looks the closest.

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