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Posts posted by bkosh84

  1. Just to depress myself, I just did another speed test:


    Ping: 1414 ms

    Download: 44 kbps

    Upload: 23 kbps


    Yeah, that's pretty freaking terrible. I'm also seeing a lot of dropped calls (at least, a lot more than I ever have with Sprint before). Maybe that's the Moto/Sammy handoff thing happening? The most common problem I'm having is that my phone won't ring, and I'll get voicemail from people that couldn't get a hold of me.


    I REALLY don't want to go back to Verizon--heck, I don't want to switch at all, but this has been a painful month or so.


    Also, I've been toggling my 3G radio on and off (Airplane mode to make it easy). When get back onto the 3G, my speed is usually vastly improved for a while (an hour or two). Weird, huh?


    I've been getting the same problem with getting voicemails from people but the phone not ringing (as has my wife; we're in the Lyndhurst area) and I've tried the Sprint Airave but all that did was make calls no responsive after 5 minutes on the phone with someone so that was a no-go and being sent back... Pretty disappointing how this is all panning out for the NE Ohio Area.. Hopefully this Sprint Network Vision stuff works out here or I'll be going back to Verizon when my contract is up in a year and a half.. *sigh*

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