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Posts posted by Abe2np

  1. Wasnt that what framily was?


    A price hike for new users AND  video throtelling.

    Most of Sprint users have joined way before Framily, whether they convert to Framily or not is not the point. My point was that too many people got unlimited data for too cheap. And even for new users I don't think it's so much of a price hike considering many people are actively seeking to make 10 person framilies before joining. I still think they should add a 5 or 6 GB tier and make unlimited data little more expensive.

  2. IMHO Sprint is been unlimited for too many people for too long. Going back in the last five years - so called the smartphone age - Sprint has been practically shoving unlimited to its users. True for a while they were the only ones to offer truly unlimited data and that was their only differentiator, however it has now become clear in retrospect that those other carriers were correct in that it is basically impossible to support unlimited data for such a cheap price.


    Even T-Mobile under then CEO Philip Humm discontinued unlimited data only to be brought back under John Legere, in T-Mobile's case - and I believe this is the correct model for unlimited - they recently upped the price of unlimited data however and added a slot towards the higher end (the old unlimited data price point) for 5 GB of high-speed data. I believe the much smaller subset of T-Mobile's subscribers are on unlimited data making the network in my opinion more manageable by making them pay up for future upgrades to the network.


    I know many people on this forum hate T-Mobile, however the fact remains that for many people they are able to access T-Mobile LTE in most of their locations they frequent, and I don't think there's any dispute that generally, currently, T-Mobile has much faster data than Sprint. I therefore believe that Sprint should follow a similar tact in which they should offer more tiers of data and increase the price of unlimited data, that way the people to truly abuse the towers are at least paying for Sprint to upgrade the network more quickly.

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  3. I have been a longtime Sprint subscriber and ever since they announced LTE last year I was giddy about staying with Sprint as some of you may know Sprint 3g sucks. I wasn't only giddy because of the speed of the incoming LTE, it was also because I pay a relatively very cheap rate with Sprint (I have a family plan with four lines with a 25% corporate discount $210 after tax!). However in the recent months I have been totally frustrated by the absolutely inexcusably slow progress, now to be fair the have activated LTE for the cell sites in and around my area however indoors it's a complete crapshoot not to mention the speeds aren't all that amazing usually around 8 mbps. I decided I was going to try T-Mobile with the HTC One and was blown away by even the hspa+ (speeds around 10mbps!). It's a little more money with the $20 a month for the phone financing but at least I can launch google maps when I'm in Manhattan without waiting an inordinate amount of time for the maps to load.I still have my Sprint plan as well and an willing to stay with Sprint if they get full NYC LTE coverage in the very near future (my contract is up in October). My question is when do you guys think it will happen? Will T-MOBILE be able to launch LTE this year? Or is it the same pipe dream I had with Sprint this post year?

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