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Status Updates posted by bswilson

  1. RT @neiltyson: While eating as a guest at other people’s homes, I’m thinking their dogs are genetically obligated to-convince you they’ve n…

  2. @incanus77 Prime now but next year comes the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

  3. I supported it on Kickstarter and now finally posting. https://t.co/4xqMTimAaH here we go!

  4. RT @HamillHimself: Remember when state-run television only happened in foreign countries ruled by dictators? #Resist https://t.co/Lf7d4HpGj1

  5. @steveriggins I have had intermittent problems with AirPods and CarPlay where the only solution was to reboot the phone.

  6. RT @cdespinosa: The reason we’re following the leadership of teenagers is that conservatives are following the leadership of a toddler.

  7. RT @MADmagazine: Every joke in the #NewMADMagazine will have its own QR code to scan if you don’t get it.

  8. @steveriggins Remembering this? https://t.co/wQFpobfpIT

  9. @veronicamarche @incanus77 Funny. I was calling it 50 Shades of Teal

  10. @steveriggins I’m really beginning to wonder about email’s future. AMP? Almost every email I receive that isn’t jun… https://t.co/ms0sgjW2Qc

  11. RT @ClaraJeffery: There is a god https://t.co/pHbmM0B3aU

  12. RT @BadHombreNPS: If you still support @realDonaldTrump at this point, you shouldn't be allowed to operate heavy machinery.

  13. RT @neiltyson: You want to speak with a Spaniard, you learn Spanish. You want to frolic in France, you learn French. You want to commune wi…

  14. Time Magazine should put Person of the Year on hiatus. After all, they’ve already given the award to a non-person.… https://t.co/1GwHL5mjgO

  15. RT @tonyschwartz: Trump has moved to a level of irrationality and delusion that go far beyond anything I observed while writing "The Art of…

  16. @steveriggins @nytimes That the NY Times would actually say he is creating new precedents for the presidency is cri… https://t.co/qQQUH1QP1x

  17. Everything you need to know about politics and and corruption in the U.S. government you can learn from watching ep… https://t.co/12APPke5iY

  18. RT @DaShanneStokes: Donald Trump used his account to attack people's careers, to incite violence, and threaten war. His account should have…

  19. There is no Pravda in Izvestia, and there is no Izvestia in Pravda

  20. @PrimeVideo Your AppleTV App is the only thing on my entire network that thinks I have no internet connection and s… https://t.co/9xac540vyO

  21. Wondering if the Disney-Fox merger might put an end to Fox era of bullshit news or just add a new Disney slant. Wat… https://t.co/L7pQjhuw6C

  22. @steveriggins And why can’t you copy your Airpods serial number from Settings? Ever call Apple support and they ask… https://t.co/85FkD7bgd7

  23. RT @johncusack: Totally agree/ ⬇️ dem leadership should call for trump to resign or they should resign - Every day https://t.co/xgD71S…

  24. @steveriggins Animoji and always authenticated got iPhone X noticed. Developers using the on device machine learnin… https://t.co/HHLjoVwj6F

  25. RT @TopherSpiro: BREAKING: OFFICIAL, NONPARTISAN SCORE (JCT): Senate tax bill will explode the debt by $1 TRILLION—even after accounting fo…

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