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Posts posted by YoungHov718

  1. "While the data is free, it won't be particularly fast. Customers can expect network speeds at around the same level that they get in the US after they are throttled. Chief Marketing Officer Mike Sievert said the average speed customers would get would be around 128 kilobits a second.


    It's not enough to stream a video well, but can handle streaming music, e-mails, and social network status updates, he noted."



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  2. i cant map i have iphone 5 but anyway i now have lte again in the bronx 233rd neried ave. i got a replacement iphone from apple and couldnt activate the phone, sprint told me lte would be activated today and i deactivated my old evo and activated my iphone and i now have lte from 233rd to 241st. 10 down 5 up. the sprint rep told me that barnes ave tower and 233rd tower and 1 in yonkers were lit today. and it is accurate

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  3. CNET weighed in with an article. Not sure it really tells us much, but they think it's somewhere between December and March:




    With articles coming out like this you would think A: sprint would give us a firm release date or B: change up there strategy and put big cities a priority..

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