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Posts posted by neopolotin75


    Yep... I went to my first Pacers game of the year last night and noticed the LTE as well. Quite the beatdown we put on the Knicks last night!


    Yea I worked the game last night so we get to watch it as long as no one needs a medic. That games was over before it got started. Lol


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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  2. LTE outage? Have had trouble connecting to at least 5 different sites with no luck.


    I had trouble last night also....I was able to connect by 10th and country club but got nothing from 65 and county line up 465 going up towards Lebanon but the same track seems good now...didnt it go out like a week or 2 ago also?

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



  3. I've been an HTC guy since they were doing pocket pc's and I sold my Evo LTE back in Dec for the Note 2. My initial plan was to get the note and see if I was ok with the size and if not get the gs3..... I stuck with the Note. I've had no lags no random reboots etc. I mean you can browse and talk, do 2 apps at once etc etc... I was blown away by the features it had out the box compared to the Evo. Get the Note. :D


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



  4. Phones won't actively switch up to 4G while 3g is actively sending or receiving.


    Not sure on the Note2 though as it is physically capable of listening for LTE while evdo is working due to the different setup of transmission paths. Now whether it is coded in software to do that is unknown to me.


    Sent from a little old Note 2


    Not to be a complete noob but Ive been downloading an app on my Note 2 and have it show 3g then switch to LTE while downloading.....is that different then what you speak of?


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II




    Nope. Easier than that. At first I started editing the Smali code and the 500 if statements the lessthan3gees was referenced in until I back tracked and found where it was set at. Look in the boolean xml and flip it. Recompile, push it via adb, then smile.


    Running my own Rom. Lean, clean, no stupid high school kiddie themes bolted on, no 82 toggles added to the status bar, etc.


    Sent from a little old Note 2


    Oh my I shall be doing that tonight then. Im not a fan of the themed roms out there....im actually digging the stock look. When you edit it does the 1x display the orange and green like 3g/4g?


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II




    Yes, just about all Sprint phones do this. It's an easy fix though with flashing a ROM. Mine shows 1X just fine now ;)


    Which rom are you running? I started digging around in the framework res and systemui the other day.... im assuming it's a png swap?


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II




    Never noticed it until you said something. I guess I never looked at them since it always works for me. 3G arrows...um..yeah I look at them ALL the time wondering why nothing is happening. ;)


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


    Speaking of 3g.... Does 3g show for 1x on the note like it did on the Evo LTE so no matter what if it's 3g or 1x it'll always show 3g?

  8. I’m excited mainly for offline voice typing and Google Now! Google Now is such a huge feature and I don’t know why more carriers and Google don’t advertise it more often? It blows away Siri but no one even knows what it is. I showed it to a friend of mine who has a GS3 and they didn’t even know they had it! They couldn’t believe how cool it was. I do hope they fixed some of the other bugs but it looks like they fixed some (contacts) according to the doc. I really hope this isn't fake as I would want to do harm to that person, j/k lol. Have a great night boys and hopefully tomorrow we'll be Jellin! Jellin wit Jelly Bean baby! I remember others saying don't bash HTC as they are probably readying 4.2 instead and I told them no chance. I doubt we'll ever see 4.2 on our EVO LTE but if we do maybe around the time the next EVO iteration is being released?


    I think the Evo will get it just a question of when. ..


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



  9. One thing I noticed with the EVO LTE in my latest device testing is that in marginal signal areas the signal strength bounced around a lot more than other devices, even when not being touched. In marginal signal area, the other six LTE devices would vary roughly 2 to 3dBm while untouched and stationary. The EVO LTE would fluctuate much more. 5 to 12 dBm. And if the signal got too low...BAM, disconnect from LTE.


    So this is my latest theory. The EVO LTE's ability to keep connected to a marginal signal is limited because of its modulation in signal strength/quality. Whether real, or just perceived by the device, I believe this signal modulation is causing the problems. That is why staying in LTE only mode would not affect the device. Because when the signal gets erratic and shoots up to -120dBm for a second or two, it doesn't handoff to EVDO. It clings to the weak unusable signal, and in a few seconds it reverts back to -112dBm.


    Is this solvable with a software update? Maybe, maybe not. It likely is a hardware issue. Related to the radio/antenna? Maybe caused by the aluminum case with low LTE signals? Could be a combination of things. I don't know. But perhaps the software can be modified that whenever the LTE signal drops below a certain threshold, it either waits an extra second or two before handing off to 3G to see if signal quality recovers, or, if it does transition to EVDO, it automatically does a few LTE rescans and see if it can reconnect back to the LTE network. Though these may cause hard data handoffs, especially the first one, it is going to be less annoying than the LTE Connectivity issue.


    I think I may be on to something here. Let me break my arm patting myself on the back.



    Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk


    Im glad you mentioned this because I thought it was my Evo alone that was doing this. As Indianapolis has started to fill I noticed that when the signals are stronger my phone connects pretty easily to LTE but in the Fringe area it doesnt. So one day I went into debug and check out signal strength and I noticed that even being a mile awhile from the tower my signal strength fluctuated 5db or more and as Im writing this its jumping between -91 and -110 and its just sitting there.

  10. So I was wondering if anyone has noticed periodic service updates that happen by themselves? I am pretty religious about profile/prl updates but over the past week I have woken up and noticed that I had several updates and was curious if anyone knows if this is related to the rollout.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2




    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  11. So I was wondering if anyone has noticed periodic service updates that happen by themselves? I am pretty religious about profile/prl updates but over the past week I have woken up and noticed that I had several updates and was curious if anyone knows if this is related to the rollout.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  12. So are yall toggling airplane mode to get it to switch over or no? Sometimes mine will switch on its own other times i can drive 5 miles in coverage and it not switch. I know there are some issues with it switching so im curious.


    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2



  13. Greenwood is pretty much all live I would map on sensorly but my wife has the iPhone and it doesn't support it and all I have is my epic 4g touch so happy sprint is finally getting off their a##


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


    What part? I see a little off 37 but i havent seen anything else.


    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2




    They do not seem to be doing any blocking either. All towers that have been accepted are still a go. I am quite impressed at the rate they are going.


    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2


    Yea they are moving pretty good. For the life of me i cant get connected after loading up kentucky ave/465 to Rockville anymore though......must have been a test thing but it was late at night like 1am. ...so is there a definite word on what areas have it constantly yet?


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