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Posts posted by AdamDaa

  1. I totally disagree with what you're saying. If you abuse the network you should be kicked off. And if you use a ridiculous amount of data your plan should be changed without notice. I totally disagree with your statement.


    Sent from my ASUS_Z01HD using Tapatalk


    Sorry you feel that way. Customers should not arbitrarily be kicked off without warning still. There are costs involved consumers invest into a company that should be honored regardless of behavior. It is wrong to abuse a network, yes. It also is wrong to suddenly remove a person from a network without notice.

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  2. Well they should really slow down their data speeds instead. But I don't disagree with Verizon removing data abusers like that. They are in their right to do that to the customers that abused the network.


    Sent from my BLN-L24 using Tapatalk

    I think they ought to be placed on a special plan where they get charged a certain fee per data structure in whichever Verizon determines in the cost of the aded usage to the network these abusers place upon it. Then the abusers can decide whther that is acceptable to them or not. They can leave if they do not wish to pay the added cost to sustain their usage.

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