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Status Updates posted by richyque

  1. @IMPACTWRESTLING @MATTHARDYBRAND How about the spike tv era impacts?

  2. @Sea_of_Shells @ChristoYonnie @minibigfoot26 @JoePGuerrero He should beat him up since they both know where each other live.

  3. @iPECULIARsea @TylerABieber RIP ?

  4. @THEVinceRusso You're the best mr russo. Keep fighting the good fight!!

  5. @FortniteGame Bring back 30fps option!

  6. That's what i said when I seen it. https://t.co/u7yJKmdjG6

  7. @Official_FAN My condolences to madison carter on his loss.

  8. @CMPunk Good luck @CMPunk, pulling for you on june 9 .

  9. @FortniteGame Season 2 was a rip off, you have to grind yourself to hell to get all the items, i won't be purchasing season 3. PSN: icon28

  10. @MrazCBS Your show rules, you are the perfect replacement for the great @PaulNanos. Keep up the great work.

  11. @TraeRiesgraf @HeaneyESPN @MLBTheShow Same game graphically since 2008. the jerseys still have no cloth physics, th… https://t.co/qyYCSCOS96

  12. @RasualButler45 RIP

  13. @IMPACTWRESTLING I heard this like 10 times the past few years since leaving @spike. Don't keep saying it, show us!

  14. RT @FortRoyale: @FortniteGame RT if you want to see this as the game winning screen in fortnite Battle Royale Follow @FortRoyale for more…

  15. @dish Sure, go ahead. Thanks for @PopTV in HD finally!!

  16. @KennyMcCumbee @tjisaacs32 @DIRECTV @dish @dish is the best and has the friendliest customer service i have dealt with.

  17. @AnnoyingVulture @RobinGaming @JackmoveJohnny Don't dare say switch is a handheld!

  18. RT @danWorthington: Only Retweet this if you get the joke. https://t.co/GnS8LohkQ2

  19. @ChicagoBears This season sucked! Lets go @chicagobulls

  20. @ALawRadio @AfterHoursCBS @CBSSportsRadio No, We dont. it's rare that @670TheScore carries late night… https://t.co/TfB1h7rEJ9

  21. RT @Lrgheadedmammal: #RIPDickEnberg Great man and announcer has passed away. Enjoyed him on the microphone

  22. @AryaStarkMercy @RockstarGames

  23. @gradowrestling Sorry for your loss, stay strong.

  24. @PopTV Too bad @dish_answers only has @PopTV in terrible SD.

  25. RT @BunchKeys: Our new Bunch Keys Bundle #10: Winter Bundle is available! It includes 14 Steam games worth $34 for only $1.34 (96% OFF). Vi…

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