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Posts posted by Lukemc01

  1. I downloaded the sensorly app and ran it. It gets an error on the report level, but I did test the location twice.


    on Speedtest.net:


    Dn:18669 kbps Up:12622 kbps 10/9/12 9:57 am


    Dn:15300 kbps Up:10971 kbps 10/6/12 6:08 am


    Dn:20826 kbps Up:07415 kbps 10/5/12 6:49 pm


    On Sensorly:


    Dn: 15.6 Mbps Up: 8.15 Mbps 10/9/12 10:13 am

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  2. LTE was on this weekend starting Fri evening 10/05 and was still running this morning 10/08. Larger area too - from the lab to the middle school on East Ave, and from East Ave to First Ave. I think they have a few towers going. Probably just a test - but still faster than my Uverse. Interesting - when transitioning back from 3G to 4G it takes a few minutes to switch.

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