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Posts posted by Mnemon

  1. I had 4G in north lakeview this morning, both in my apartment and waiting on the Sheridan redline stop.


    Speed test was:


    D: 19.00Mbps

    U: 11.13Mbps


    Seconded. My wife had it a bit further north of the Sheridan redline at Sheridan and Broadway this morning around 7:30, and pulled 16.23 down and 10.56 up.


    I think they must have turned on the tower at Clark and Irving Park that was just recently completed. Now if only they'll finish up the tower across the street from my apt...

  2. Wife's iPhone picked up LTE twice today while driving around the city. First time was on 90/94 north near UIC (noticed it just past 290). Speedtest pulled 1.67mbps down.


    Second time was on Montrose at Clark (at least that's where she noticed it). 13.17 down, 5.01 up.


    City's getting some love!

    • Like 1
  3. Really, didn't you buy the iPhone 5, or she buy the iPhone 5, knowing you were going to be stuck on a bogged down antiquated 3G network with speed and capactiy issues, at least until the LTE is actually rolled out later this year, before you made the purchase?


    I definitely knew that LTE wasn't ready, and knew that it would be a few months (hopefully not longer...). I just didn't think of the 3G speeds because on my E4GT I get incredible wimax coverage just about everywhere I go and so rarely need to fall back on 3G. When I do fall back on it, it always seems to be acceptable. She is definitely getting about half the speed I get on 3G with what testing I have done so far.

  4. Pure speculation here but I know Chicago probably should have gotten it first being it has the largest population but I think maybe it might be easier to update the towers there. If it is on roof tops even in winter it is much easier to get to then these individual free standing towers. So I think they want to get as much of these out laying towers done before snow. I could be wrong I have never looked at the towers on top of the buildings. Again pure speculation. Hopefully Soon you will begin to get some hits.


    I never thought of the practicality of access to towers during the winter months. You are right, Anti, it seems like it would be much more difficult to work on freestanding towers out in the plains in harsh winter weather than those on the top of buildings in the city. I thought it weird that they were starting in the burbs and working their way in, but maybe there really is a method to their madness...


    My only consolation is that my E4GT is blazing on Clear's wimax in the city... I just feel bad for my wife and her brand spanking new iphone 5 with terrible speeds.

  5. I live in Lakeview and have noticed SIGNIFICANTLY improved 3g in many areas on the north side. I almost wonder why they didn't start in the city...closer to the ISPs for backhaul upgrades (fiber in many alleys in Chicago) and no tower climbing...just take the stairs to the roof of whatever building the antenna is on. If they never launch LTE I'd be happy with consistent 1.5mbps 3G...the phone is usable at that point...I'm very happy about the progress though!


    Whereas I live only a mile or so north of you in Uptown and have horrible 3G, not usually more than 0.5 or 0.6mbps on my E4GT and even worse on my wife's iPhone 5. My wimax continues to be amazing, full strength and blazing at up to 10mbps, and I'm sure the LTE will be great for the iPhone once it goes live. I just hope we see some improved 3G speeds. When I travel further north into Andersonville, Edgewater, Rodgers Park, etc... I lose wimax and my E4GT becomes useless. My wife didn't even have a phone signal yesterday driving around Rodgers Park....

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