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Status Updates posted by danfissel

  1. .@ddale8 how many new followers did going on @Lawrence get ya?

  2. .@SamChampion Is on @NBCNews @MSNBC @weatherchannel & responding 2 tweets in #Irma During the day he is a photographer for the Daily Planet

  3. @4politics2 @mhickey187 @RepTrentFranks @elizacollins1 Also wants to add another year to his pension

  4. @airedmania Nope that's the font his lawyer uses..

  5. @AmericaFirst413 @realDonaldTrump Facta truth do not matter to the Branch Davidians. As they offer up their wives… https://t.co/w8ROkyGJjG

  6. @ChannelMaster Very cool.. wanna let this cancer patient test it? :)

  7. @drogon_dracarys @brianstelter Has @brianstelter never covered @TYTNetwork tutor @cenkuygur ever? Highly doubtful

  8. @ESPNPR Right before the holidays? God you guys are assholes.. bet 150 employees combined make less than your ann… https://t.co/8CcHhrPkSW

  9. @EveryVoice @jonfavs @crookedmedia Yea I dont.. "centering" the platform .. the new center is 30 years ago far far… https://t.co/r7Jr75a6ad

  10. @Gottfreund @renato_mariotti @realDonaldTrump Being a pedophile doesn't require a conviction it requires sick fucks… https://t.co/oaCtqqLtM2

  11. @halbritz in your list of accused individuals of sexual harassment without consequences you missed a big fish... @realDonaldTrump

  12. @JackCharles01 @realDonaldTrump Where sexual assault is commonplace at party meetings right?

  13. @JosephJFlynn1 @BarbaraRedgate @FlynnJack515 @Cernovich I absolutely believe if we actually punish treason By putti… https://t.co/yv8curkpOf

  14. @MartinDaubney Hmmm a medical cannabis user or being a Nazi that's an easy choice.. time for 2 joints.

  15. @Montel_Williams Keep pushing mmj

  16. @mostly_harmles @JessicaG1981 @SenatorBrittain @realDonaldTrump No seems like she was complaining on the internet a… https://t.co/xAOgwJggFJ

  17. @plex needs to up their 4k game bigly

  18. @Rambobiggs @davidhogg111 Is amazing @twitter allows you to be @verified with your ignorance.. I would say someone… https://t.co/ZFGVquLUba

  19. @SteveKornacki @KimberlyEAtkins Gives a different meaning to Up with Steve (miss that btw)

  20. @TomArnold you need to visit Sunnyvale trailer park again.

  21. #ProtectMueller

  22. Did Twitter just double the amount of characters?

  23. Hey @AriMelber you know your suppose to ask your fans if you go on vacation.

  24. Hey @twitter why isn't @B4IleaveU @verified yet?

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