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Posts posted by El_eddy01

  1. Type in English please. Took to long for me figure that out. Post a screen shot of you are getting?

    sorry for the language ..
    This is part you tell me, but when I click NO does nothing ...


  2. Si usted entra en los ajustes y hacia abajo para la actualización del sistema, entonces usted debe ver el perfil de actualización. Eso no debería requerir un código de servicio.

    OKS encontrar lo que estás diciendo ...
    pero no me deja hacer nada ..
  3. If you have a G2 that is up to date then all three bands should be active.

    LTE enable / disable
    band 26 / enable / disable
    band41 enable / disable
  4. The advantage is you get faster internet speeds. If there are any band 41 towers in your area this will allow you to connect. If you go into the ##3282# screen and go to lte and click edit you can enable the other two bands.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    including this key ## 3282 # to the issue of LTE, but when I try to turn on the LTE asks me a pass, someone knows what?
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