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Posts posted by StuckOnEDGE

  1. My roommate and I switched to Kroger I wireless yesterday. Our phones were activated and our numbers were ported over. But we're having 2 problems. First of all, our data isn't working. We can only get a 3g or LTE signal while we do a prl or profile update, then the 3g or 4g icon disappears. Secondly, we have no voicemail. If I dial voicemail, I get a busy tone. If people call me, my phone rings 7 or 8 times followed by a "subscriber is unavailable, please call again" message. I've called I wireless 3 times and they're going to escalate the issue to engineering. I've tried everything. Has anyone else had these problems. Without data service my photon q LTE is basically a flip phone unless I'm on WiFi

  2. Verizon prepaid runs on 3g and they're all but shutting it down. I have a friend with an iPhone 4 who can barely use it on verizon 3g. Speeds are almost as slow as t mobile EDGE. If Verizon does have any LTE phones on prepaid, they're definitely not less than $100.


    And the pricing, $45 for talk text and a 1GB hard cap? I'd rather be throttled than add $15 to my account every time I reach a cap.

  3. At&t screwed up cricket by getting rid of all the things that helped us low income people. They no longer have bridge pay and now charge late fees if you can't pay your bill. Not to mention text messaging gets shut off if you can't pay your bill. You used to get texting for an extra month if you couldn't pay. Also at&t doesn't work well in my area. I was having as much trouble making and receiving calls on the at&t network as I am now on t mobile. I went 3 years on the old CDMA cricket service with zero dropped calls and only had to deal with not connecting calls 1% of the time (and old cricket would actually tell you the circuits are busy, at&t gives you dead air). At&t was terrible and I refuse to go back. I'm trying to find a carrier as reliable and cheap as old cricket but doesn't involve the duopoly

  4. I'd go with native sprint if it didn't require a 2 year contract and a $250 deposit. I tried that last year. Zero major carriers would accept my poor credit. An MVNO is my only option right now. Also, if the photon isn't trip band are there any devices sold at Kroger that are? Like the Coolpad arise or whatever Chinese junk that they sell other than the photon q? Its starting to sound like the poor guy making $100-$150 a week at UDF is still s**t out of luck.


    Why did at&t have to buy cricket and screw everything up? Ugh

  5. I'm thinking about switching 2 lines to Kroger I wireless. I laid off even considering a sprint carrier for years because the maps on sprints website make anywhere east of Eastgate look like swiss cheese with roaming holes. I downloaded sensorly and sprint looks amazing compared to t mobile. There's service in areas that were nothing on tmo (Hillsboro, Moscow, US 52 between New Richmond and Moscow) and very little 2G. Compared to the maps on sprint.com, sensorly makes it look like coverage everywhere. I just hope Sensorly can differentiate between roaming and native coverage.


    Jesito, I finally decided to ditch tmo because my 2 ZTE Zingers are crapping out after a few months (memory problems) and I can get a Motorola photon q LTE for $39.99 at Kroger when I use my plus card. Yes, its an older phone. But its top of the line compared to what $39.99 will buy at Walmart.


    Noodles, what part of Batavia if you don't mind me asking? I live 5 miles north of Batavia near Owensville and I frequent the McDonald's and other restaurants on Hospital Drive. Also I go through the town of Batavia at least once a week going to Amelia.

  6. Oops. I thought the topic box was a subject line. Sorry about that. I'm currently a Walmart family mobile subscriber using a very crappy ZTE Zinger and t mobile has shafted my area on upgrades. They're expanding LTE but not adding any 3g/HSPA+ "4G" coverage past a 20 mile radius of downtown. I live 26 miles from downtown Cincy and I've been on EDGE 2G for far too long. I'm fed up with tmo and sprint looks like my best option since the at&t death star bought my former carrier (Cricket). I prefer a CDMA carrier as my old Cricket phone could place calls and text on zero bars while t mobile GSM drops a call with 3 bars. I refuse to support at&t or Verizon. Their prices and policies are too restrictive. But I will stop rambling and get to my main point. I want to know from Sprint customers in clermont county about how service is in our outlaying area. I live just north of Owensville in an area that the sprint map shows as fair signal right next door to off network roaming. My neighbors house all the way past Owensville is roaming (a good 1.5 mile hole) according to the map. Here's the thing. I purchased a virgin mobile USB adapter a few months ago and I had 5 bars of 3g with 1-2mbps download speeds. I actually had 1 bar of 1x RTT in the middle of Owensville where there's supposed to be nothing. My question is do the maps grossly underestimate coverage and is coverage in areas like Owensville, Williamsburg, Mt. Orab, Bethel, Amelia, Batavia, and basically anywhere between Eastgate and Sardinia actually usable? And by usable I mean I can place a call, send a text, and use the web at greater than 96kbps (my average speed on t mobile EDGE 2G). I want to get a Moto Photon Q on Kroger I Wireless but it needs to work fairly well for me to switch. If you ever used Cricket before the At&t buyout you know what I'm expecting. I don't care if I'm using one bar or 5. As long as I can use the service I will be happy. I also have some questions about 1x 800. What is it and is it different than 1x RTT? Also will any of the upcoming upgrades in the Cincinnati area affect the Motorola photon q. I know it can't do spark, but can it access any other improvements like 1x 800? I apologize if I've been long winded. I'm just trying to find a good alternative to old cricket that isn't VZW, AT&T, or TMO

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