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Posts posted by LastMumzy

  1. I've been mulling over buying a Sprint iPhone 6 to get unlimited data (I'm using Gophone atm on an iPhone 5).  One of my biggest concerns was their lack of low frequency bands for building penetration.  Looking over the Site Acceptance Reports I see Memphis is listed as have something like 240 B26 800Mhz LTE and 270 CDMA 800Mhz.  What exactly does "Site Acceptance" mean; something they've already upgraded or just plan to in the future?  I'm currently in Olive Branch right at the edge of Memphis on HWY 78 (about 2 miles south of the Nike plant on Tuggle).  


    I'm really wanting unlimited data and my only options are Sprint and T-mobile.  T-mobile coverage has waaay to much 2g or just plain nothing coverage around here for me to use.  Plus BNSF has a 20% discount with Sprint.  Sprint seems like it's taken a beating over the years but they appear to be making a strong effort to get back in the game.  I'm not one of those speed test junkies that require 50mb downloads; 5mb or higher is fine for what I want to do.  


    Happy new year fellow Memphians!

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