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Posts posted by hectorartm

  1. Here my direct comparison to tmo (just switched a few lines back to Sprint). T-Mobile is simply faster and seems to have better indoor coverage. I'm attributing this to cell density. Anyway, Sprint is still a bit too slow in some areas, but I saw B41 all over the wolfchase mall area, on the 40 going towards to 240 and down from the mall to Shelby Park Dog Park area. So there's definitely some upgrades being done. Germantown by Hacks and Poplar Pike now has B26 and is fully covered. Everything by the golf course and Fieldstone apartments still stinks bad. Driving to Collierville from Winchester/Hacks Cross is now fully covered with B26 (before only B25). So there's definitely activity in the last few months, but still they have a long way to go. The consistency is nowhere near tmo yet. I'm confident they will get there.

  2. Hello! I tried Sprint out last year and recently tried it out again. There's B26 all over the Germantown area, by the river, Mud Island, from Memphis to Brownsville TN and Jackson TN. Coverage has greatly increased compared to last year. It was good enough that I decided to port my main and secondary lines over to Sprint. We didn't get 4G around Gallaway TN or most of 70/79 from Memphis to Jackson, but we usually don't drive that route anyway. I40 from Memphis to Jackson has 4g about 90% of the way now. To my surprise, the 4G is solid in Brownsville TN with B25 and B26 both being pretty strong. Millington is somewhat spotty, but usable.


    BTW, I have not seen B41 anywhere yet.


    Hope this helps!


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