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Posts posted by jason0583

  1. Posted 05 December 2012 - 12:22 AM

    I recently shipped my evo lte back to htc for repair due to connection problems we all know about, has anyone done this and had any luck, htc acted like there was no problem with phone. But they would never admit to it. Also they told me jellybean will be released in February.


    Sent from the new iPad ������





    Suppose to get phone back tomorrow . I was told they replaced motherboard, I will see how it does.




  2. It is at htc right now, haven't got it back yet, I just told them my connection issues. They said they didn't know of any issues. I said that I was having the issues on my device so they said to send it back for repair, now what that consist of I don't know as of yet, but I will report back when I get the device back. Sorry if my post was confusing, I was just wondering if anyone else had sent their phone back to htc.

  3. I recently shipped my evo lte back to htc for repair due to connection problems we all know about, has anyone done this and had any luck, htc acted like there was no problem with phone. But they would never admit to it. Also they told me jellybean will be released in February.


    Sent from the new iPad

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