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Posts posted by otherguy

  1. Well, this may be an issue of semantics, but your characterization of PRL operation is inaccurate.



    Possibly semantics.   It's accurate, I was just trying to tone it down for the original person who was asking about updating. Didn't think spectrums, handoffs, neighbors, subcarriers, and whatever else was interesting enough to post about.  :-) 


    Honestly, I just created an account out of concern for the unauthorized photo. I apologize for causing trouble.

  2. First, welcome to S4GRU.


    But please do not arrive here to lecture our members.  That is not your place.  And if you do not recognize band 26 or you misunderstand the operation of a PRL, then you could probably learn more from our members than they could from you.



    Thank you sir !!


    Didn't know you guys referred to different technology/frequencies as bands. It's slightly incorrect, but I can deal with it.

    I don't misunderstand the operation of a PRL. I change them multiple times/day.


    I wasn't trying to lecture anyone, merely trying to help a forum member with a respect/honesty issue.


    again, thanks for the warm welcome.

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  3. So you're suggesting we shut down this entire site since this site is based on that hobby of talking to cell site workers and takings picture of cellular equipment among other things to track the development and advancement of the telecommunications industry in this nation. 

    I don't think anyone suggested shutting down a site. Just saying, taking a candid picture of a tech without her authorization and posting it on a public forum isn't respectful or professional. Gaining information is awesome, but I wouldn't appreciate someone taking a picture of me working on something without being asked.


    Similarly, if you could see in a dressing room for a second while the door was open, you're saying it would be ok to snap a candid picture of someone changing without asking. Even if the person agreed to let you come in and watch, would it be ok to take a picture when she turns around without asking her?


    If the equipment had an IP address label (which isn't uncommon), she could get in trouble for disclosing secure information without authorization. However, taking a picture of equipment isn't the problem as much as sneaking into a site, telling a tech you're a "geek about cell phones" and snapping a picture behind her back without asking...  it's just kinda disrespectful, don't you think?


    I understand the gate was open and a tech was onsite, that's fine. She's authorized to be there. But the sign says authorized personel only, and violators will be prosecuted. If someone lets you see the equipment, that's cool, by all means, learn what you can, or turn your cell phone hobby into a career and get a job in the field. But if in fact this equipment is considered "public knowledge", then why must it be taken with an employee who didn't authorize the picture?


    Some of these people have gone through the hell of security clearances, background checks, fingerprints, etc for the ability to touch it. If you want to be part of it, go through the same process and become part of it.


    Just sayin...  gain authorization prior to entering a site or taking pictures of people working inside a cabinet.

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