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Posts posted by badbeats

  1. This happens all the time during big transitions that require short term pain for long term benefit. Company's lose valuable employees during re-structures, acquisitions, etc. Country Club's lose members during big constructions due to the annoyance, and phone/tv/internet service providers lose subscribers during infrastructure turnover projects. Its the way it is. Some people stick it out till the end, some people jump ship right away, some people just do nothing and know nothing (and just complain). Im sure sprint forecaster that the pain of NV will be too much for some heavy and/or business users and they would lose some subscribers.


    The one thing that seems strange to me though is that I assume you, like me have a 4G WiMax device. Since WiMax is a clearwire network that Sprint leases out its not part of NV. So if you are connected to WiMax this NV transition really isn't an issue. I figured many of those places you mention like Naperville, Park Ridge, Bloomingdale, Elgin probably have good WiMax coverage in place already.


    For me the most important thing is the phone working well.. as a phone. It really has been bad. I do have a 4g device, and the 4g signal is sometimes very spotty. Also its just slow compared to the other carriers. Just did a test right now and got 1.6 Mbps for dl and .8 for up. The numbers are fairly normal for me. Obviously wimax cant compete with other LTE carriers, until Sprint upgrades to LTE.

  2. Calls are not dropping in Elgin. Calls usually drop at locations where they just start working on the towers and the areas where you transition from new equipment to old. Yeah it sucks, but it's not for long.


    Waiting for the backhaul upgrade is a bitch. Still waiting out here.


    The calls have been dropping since April, so Its been awhile. I have hard time believing sprint since they first said the network would be fixed in may, then june, then july, and now august. I also have 2 friends who got the EVO 2 years ago in the kenosha area since 4g was coming soon. 2 years later no 4g.


    I am glad to hear its not dropping in Elgin. Here is Naperville its been awful. One of my business partners lives in Bloomingdale and has been having the same issues. Some other friends have the same problems in McHenry, Carol stream, Hinsdale, and Park Ridge. I guess it varies from town to town.


    Its been an ok 2 years but I think its time for a change. I hope it does get better for you guys.

  3. I have a little over a week until my sprint contract runs out. I would like 4G LTE with great speeds. However for me a stable network where calls do not drop 2-3 per call is the most important. I was hoping by now this problem would be solved, but it does not appear to be.


    Are you guys thinking that they will not roll out the new network until November? If so I guess that makes my decision a lot easier.


    Thanks again and great job on the site.

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