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Posts posted by imoletamious

  1. I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but..... I'm gonna bite, please get insurance on your phone, take to Sprint and have exchanged (for screen going dead). Then, when you get it back TURN the brightness down, then maybe not play games, listen to music and text for 3hr straight to the point of burning the phone up. Put down the phone, go outside, get some fresh air homie. [emoji4]Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk



    Actually that is why my phone gets used so much, I walk all day and listen to I heart radio and Spotify while I walk and the nearest so called true sprint store is over 40 miles away, the one here in Greenville is just a retailer they say they don't do things like fix things wrong, take the device back, etc. But thanks for the advice I will try it today on low brightness and not play music.

  2. Dear halcyoncmdr and mrrogers1


    Well its been getting three hours since sprints zva update battery life is not the only problem with my G2, my touchscreen is going out like an inch from the top of the phone. Also it gets very hot sometimes yes I know that's sometimes normal, but all I use it for is minecraft , Facebook, calling, texting, YouTube and music. Lg told me to send the phone in they would fix it for free but the problem is I have no other device that can run on sprints service I have to have my phone. So yeah it doesn't really get used that hard but that being said I run it at full brightness and I'm on it most of the day. So idk maybe its just a faulty G2. BTW zvd didn't help it. :(

  3. Greenville ohio got the zvd update took about five minutes via lte zvd does support ART and it fixes the 4Glte problems i have alot better of a signal just hope the battery last longer i used to only get 3 hours on zvc




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