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Posts posted by stlDMS

  1. I live in Saint louis and recently we (me, co-workers and friends) have had alot of connection issues and I have seen alot of trucks at Sprint towers, About 2 months ago the City Fire Department put out a RFP (request for proposal) to replace their dispaching system as well as computers in the trucks, etc. We were there to put in the bid for IT, ToughBooks and phones (we are reseller or Panasonic) and there were representitves for all the carriers there. Sprint of couse made the unlimited data push. What im getting at is I had heard they were leaning towards Sprint and the respresitive did make the promise to move the areas deployemnt up in schedule if they won the bid for data. So either its that, we are getting lucky and goning to be early or takes a long time to deploy!

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