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Posts posted by oriosmit

  1. As I understand it, once you fall off lte 4g, ecsfb is no longer relevant as you've already "fallen back" onto the same frequencies as voice.


    ecsfb on some newly activated or reset towers can cause confusion and 'crashes' as discussed above in this thread. The problem, whatever it is, only seems to delay or block returns to lte. 3g didn't seem to be affected.


    I recall no reports of what you're describing. Drops from lte to 3g always seem to be fast and near transparent.


    You may be describing a new problem with unknown causes.




    Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk

    Seems as if I can get connection on 3g much much faster if I "update profile". Which to me doesn't seem right. Ha how's a guy supposed to stream music like that?


    As far as ecsfb is concerned it seems to come back to 4g OK. Sometimes I have to cycle airplane mode if I'm in a known area and it hasn't switched. But that's not the norm.


    Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk



  2. Hey guys. New user here. I've tried reading as much as I could on the csfb Network forum along with this user forum. So I apologize for missing info. ..


    While traveling through the St Paul Minneapolis area along with most of Wisconsin and the rest of Minnesota when I fall off 4g to 3g I either do not have a data connection or it takes an incredibly long time to "connect." I use signal check and can see the phone sending, but not receiving. Signal strength is great on the shown 1x and ehrpd. What's going on here? Is this part of the ecsfb fall back not working?


    2. According to my battery stats it says my wifi is on all the time. But I have it tuned off. Ignore or issue?


    Thanks for any help guys!

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