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Posts posted by DataHog

  1. I know I am probably wasting my time asking because I know what the answer probably is.  But a man can hope.  Will the new s5 operate on circuit switched fallback(csfb) like the current iteration of triband phones.  In other words will there be no svlte capability.  I know this is a minor feature to many; but to some like me it is important.  I am an OTR trucker so my phone IS my internet and its no fun having my movie/game/pickYourInternetActivity interrupted whenever the phone rings.  


    I'm guessing ill just have to put up with this until VOIP becomes a reality on sprint unless I want to stick with my Evo and one piddlin' band of LTE lol.  But, Like I said, a man can hope.  If any of you folks with industry connections can confirm or refute this I would greatly appreciate it since I could then go buy a nexus 5 without any reservations.




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