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Posts posted by gf11speed

  1. The CSFB issues make it tough to stream music. Don't ask, but I was riding down the highway with a car full of people bumping some R Kelly, and Sprint cut off mid chorus line while I am trying to sing. Come on man, nobody wants to sing acapella to some R Kelly with a car full of dudes. That'd make a great Verizon commercial. "Don't sing acapella with a car full of dudes. Switch to Verizon."

    • Like 1
  2. Recently got an S5 to accompany the Sprint Spark "launch" in Orlando. Have had some incredible speed tests, and some bad ones. But I've noticed that my phone doesn't always want to connect to LTE. I'll go through or be in an LTE area and it will stay on 3G until I go into airplane mode and back out. Is this happening for other people?

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  3. I just went to a Sprint Store west of I4 near Altamonte Springs to test a Galaxy S5 and see if I could get a Sprint Spark connection. Got a 1-3Mbps Mbps speed test so I don't believe it was using any of the other bands. The employees were hawking me while I was on the phone so I couldn't test everything I would have liked but needless to say data speeds were garbage -- as they normally are. Also, I wasn't sure if I had to do anything in particular to force it to connect to a certain band so I just left it on whatever it was connected to, which I'm pretty sure was the 1.9Ghz band.


    I only wish Sprint's CEO Dan Hesse would have put some of his $49 million salary into improving their network instead of laying off employees.

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  4. Now this is interesting. I don't have a Triband device yet but from reading this forum it doesn't sound like Sprint Spark coverage in Orlando is even remotely operational. Am I wrong?


    The better question might be, is there any good reason to pay to upgrade my LTE but non Triband phone to a Triband?


    Clear is quickly rolling out Band 41 across the WiMax sites. A good chunk of Orlando already has Band 41 (Spark) coverage. Perhaps you should try a tri-band device before complaining.


    Sounds good, I'll just drop another $600 to upgrade from my paper weight S4. Stop telling me to quit complaining, what is this site for if a Sprint user can't be honest about the state of the network? I'm sick of people getting all defensive. Relax, I just stated my experience as Sprint customer who's using a premier phone on their network.

  6. Sprint Spark rollout I'm referring to. I'm hoping that will be the saving grace. Because LTE coverage is still pretty unacceptable in Orlando in my opinion. Maybe I just live and work in the wrong areas of town. But even connected to LTE I probably average 1-2 Mbps on my S4. That's 3Gish speeds. Some areas of town are better, of course, but for the most part that's what it's been, especially indoors.

  7. Do we know if the new Sprint Spark tech is going to ever support simultaneous voice/data connections? As of right now it does not allow you to use data while on the phone.


    Currently, while on LTE you can use data and voice on say, a GS4.

  8. I'm confused on the order with which they are doing this rollout. Are they going to deploy 2.5Ghz then 800Mhz? Are they going to be rolling out both 2.5Ghz/800Mhz, hence Sprint Spark at the same time? Since we've already had a speed test with 2.5Ghz, does that mean 2.5Ghz is currently being rolled out around town first?


    Also, in other markets, how long from when they started rolling out their 800Mhz band did they launch Sprint Spark in those markets?

  9. Interesting. Well I did not mean that as a promotion to other wireless carriers. I could have just said "other providers" instead of mentioning them by name. Although, it's only fair to answer a question about switching to Sprint in an honest light. That was my only intent.

  10. Keep thinking of testing out Sprint, but not sure how the network state is currently.
    What do the local folks think about LTE coverage and speeds? I'm living in the Maitland area and working in the I-Drive / Universal area.


    *Hopefully I'm not double posting, I don't think my last submit went through*
    At this time, personally I would not recommend switching to Sprint. If you want a fast/reliable network that is. If I had to rank the carriers as far as speed/reliability in Orlando, I'd say Sprint is 4th behind Verzon/AT&T/T-Mobile. Things seem to be looking up going forward, however, but a switch at this current time would be a downgrade. LTE indoors right now is horrible. Outside it's hit or miss.
    Looking at Sprint Spark coming hopefully this year, maybe things will change, but right now things are not good. Don't get me wrong, they are improving, but in no way would I call Sprint's current network in Orlando 'acceptable' for the year 2014 compared to the competition. That's my opinion.
    But to add to this, there's a reason I haven't switched. Sprint's outlook seems bright - as though it could have one of the best Networks, it's just a matter of when.
    • Like 2
  11. Well maybe it's an error in the sponsor maps, cause there is a green tower listed. So hopefully it's just an error in the maps and not poor performance from that tower.


    Do we have any idea when we might start seeing 800Mhz? Or when most of the towers will be done in Orlando? Is that March, according to the Running List?

  12. Soooo, when should we expect to see a fully working LTE network in Orlando? Forget Spark, regular LTE is still struggling until they finish upgrading all the towers. It's "launched" but currently no where even remotely close to Verizon, AT&T, or even TMobile here in Orlando. It's frustrating to see all this talk of Spark Tri-Band LTE when they haven't even and don't even seem to be that close to completely finishing the rollout here in Orlando. So even when "Spark" gets here in a year or two, Verizon will have AWS which apparently allows speeds up to 80Mbps. So once again, Sprint is trending behind other carriers.


    On another note, here's what I don't understand. According to the sponsored section maps about the rollout, there are 4 towers in my immediate vicinity where I work within 2 miles or so. All of them upgraded to LTE and actually one of them has 800Mhz LTE. So then how is it even possible that I am getting 0.5Mbps down on LTE when near all these Network Vision Upgradeded towers? Are they not actually upgraded completely or is the sponsored section maps incorrect?

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