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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 4S
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  • Location
    San Diego
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    4G Information
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motoridersd's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. I hate that amazon butchers my last name by refusing to include the apostrophe and forcing me to have the first letter as uppercase

  2. Kauai Morning: blue skies, blue ocean, green foliage http://t.co/St2Kt0KC

  3. Aloha kakahiaka! It’s still 6 AM and can’t sleep MOAR

  4. There’s Mexican pop music coming from a nearby restaurant in Kauai.

  5. These guys look lost now, but they look ready for huntin’! http://t.co/g3VY4IDq

  6. The TSA is manageable when going through the commuter terminal at SAN

  7. "So have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet?"

  8. What are you having? I’ll have a Half Rib. http://t.co/v8upctsi

  9. "You know I'm on a diet! Keep that away from me!" #TiVoBeachBody2012 http://t.co/3f2dj76W

  10. Goooood moooorning!! Happy Sunday!!

  11. After eating almost a whole Bronx pizza, I’m finishing my meal with a slice of Julian Dutch Apple pie and a glass of milk #VacationDiet

  12. First rule of IKEA: You will always buy something http://t.co/E6juwqP0

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