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Posts posted by Olejkab

  1. 600Mhz deployment will come sooner than 800Mhz IBEZ. Hopefully that answers your question.

    Thanks for the reply that's a bummer though. The reason I ask is because I recently added 3 of my family members to my framily plan and they are from Lacey WA. I really want them to have a good experience with Sprint, since they are coming from Verizon and I talked them into switching. Has there been any updates to band 41 in Lacey and Olympia area?
  2. I guess I was not that clear. I am sorry. I was actually using the easy pay for the phone and the lady said I can still get the 50 dollar gift card with easy pay. So she got the phone and started signing us up and when she got to adding the phone to framily she said they could not do that anymore because the system does not let them. She said I would have to switch plans to get a new phone.

  3. So today I went to Best Buy to get a new htc One m8 for my wife. I have the Framily plan and I was really bummed out that they did not let me upgrade my wife's phone because they said they don't upgrade on framily plans anymore. I think that is really mest up for sprint to advertise the Framily to hell and then not let people upgrade on it. I know you can still do it at the sprint store. But I was really hoping to get my $50 dollars gift from best buy for upgrading.

  4. I downloaded the program and tried installing it on my evo but I only get to where the program says it is preparing to launch them it goes through all the way to the red and then nothing happens. Any one have any ideas what can be wrong.

  5. Thanks for the feedback. Will look forward to it.

    As the others have said, this occurs when the 800 1x site you're connecting to is farther away than the 1900 1x site you were connected to. So that is the reduction in signal strength. When the closer 1900 site gets upgraded to 800, then you'd likely be impressed.


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    Theres only 2 towers in vancouver that are active to my knowledge. The one near hudson bay high school that sits by the blind school. Then the one out by 192nd ave, 1st street, wal-mart and cosctco.. The tower is located by the mining area there on the left side as your going north on 192nd. At the walmart I was averaging outside (no interference from inside building) I was getting 25-35mbps.. Inside the walmart i'd average 7.5 to 11.5mbps.. I also was able to retain this signal up to the 162-164th dog park and the speeds outside there were around 7.5 to 10mbps.


    My Google+ profile has pictures.. This was done my HTC One.




    Not bad imo... Now A bit better description of my house area, Between NE 112th ave (near forestry and state police) and 137th going towards fourth plain theirs a tower that sits in the middle of both sides on right side of 4th plain going east, I believe this tower may be in progress of upgrades right now as both my Galaxy nexus and my HTC One recently went from EVDO Rev A to eHRPD in the last week 1/2.. I do know from readings that its not a sure fire way of telling but it may be an early sign at least. Issue with this tower is it sits in a lock and storage thing on private property so pictures are super hard to get of the base stations and what not and Its hard for me to make out the Panels for any NV style on it.

    Thanks for the info. I was wondering which tower I was getting the signal from. I will go to Costco tomorrow and do some mapping on sensorly and do some speed tests. I am a around fishers Landing. I get a week signal on my wife's samsung galaxy s3 but nothing on my evo lte at my house. Excited that it is actually coming.

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