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Posts posted by Procho

  1. Thank you Robert for the detailed technical explanation.



    So, the only difference in performance between eHRPD and EVDO-A on the same site occurs at the MSC vs. the LTE core. Everything else is pretty much identical between the two. Each site in the Sprint network is tied to a very specific MSC for 1x voice and EVDO data. Sprint has dozens of MSC's scattered around the country. When that MSC experiences problems or has a logjam, it affects all the sites connected to it. And EVDO can slow down (although this is not the big culprit in Sprint 3G deterioration).



    Do you know what IS the culprit? I've always thought it's the backhaul. If not, why is 3G so slow? It can't be because Sprint has more customers connected compared to the other carriers...

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