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Posts posted by AjkayAlan

  1. hello and welcome! assuming your phone you have listed in your profile is correct (and its not the nexus 5) that would be your answer. the older nexus is notorious for reporting invalid LTE connections, or reporting them at full strength (to third party apps) when they aren't.


    Good to know! It makes sense - looks like I need to just look at my engineering screens when accessing towers.

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  2. Hi there!


    First of all I wanted to thank all of you - while this may be my first post, I have been following this thread for a long time, and the consistent updates from the community always keeps me informed.


    I encountered a weird signal issue today - I was downtown by 4th + Walnut and picked up LTE, so I ran a speedtest. My speed were quite slow so I decided to check my signal... My phone was showing I had virtually no signal, but signal check said I had a solid connection.




    My LTE Engineering screen showed something completely different...




    -85 dBm vs -112dBm. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

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