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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by JAndThatsIt

  1. RT @NBA: Three-time champion, three-time #NBAFinals MVP! ???????????? https://t.co/k7jjdtpeYN

  2. I think it may have been pretty accurate though. https://t.co/SPrULhMHT1

  3. Would you want to know?

  4. One closing down, one more to go this week.

  5. RT @iamjohnoliver: Here's our piece on Puerto Rico from last night, with something very special at the end...https://t.co/2Ng3NSUYHG

  6. RT @norm: Since it's getting warmer outside, now would be a good time to talk about deodorant: 1) Use it 2) Use it often

  7. What's the first thing you think if your grandmother got her tongue pierced?

  8. Went in contract on another one today. 2016 is shaping up to be better than 2015 in my real estate career.

  9. Self medicating even though I'm not sick.

  10. No point in being upset about already made decisions.

  11. Love that east coast swag

  12. Sometimes change is good.

  13. Wendy Williams is the worst

  14. There are some causes that I refuse to be a martyr for.

  15. The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path.

  16. It's amazing how things change over the course of a year.

  17. Alcohol enhances the decision making process.

  18. I need to brush up on my ancient Chinese secrets.

  19. Discipline ways ounces, regret weighs tons

  20. Why do women think it's a good idea to put on makeup while they drive?

  21. I'm everything you never had and everything you ever wanted

  22. Don't make the same mistake twice.

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