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Posts posted by gtpred99

  1. Hi all!


    Happy to report that I've been able to pull fantastically fast speeds in many areas of Des Moines in the past few months.  I live & work downtown, and mostly have no problems.  This evening I was even able to pull 31mb down/12 up in a speedtest. Awesomely fast.


    I do have one annoying issue that has been happening lately -- in my home, I will be using my data for a fairly decent amount of time and then it seems like my connection "resets" even though my signal strength stays at full bars.  Try as I might, the only thing I can do to fix this is to reset the data connection by going in and out of airplane mode.  My s/o has to do the same thing.  It's confusing to me as I'm able to pull such high data speeds in my house, yet can't maintain a consistent connection.  It doesn't appear to have anything to do with the activity either - as it can happen anywhere from reading emails to streaming videos and everything in between.


    FWIW, I'm on an iPhone 5s, and I don't even use WIFI at home because generally my data speeds are faster (thanks Centurylink) than my internet connection.  


    Any insight?  It's gotten annoying enough that I'm considering testing some alternative carriers, as much as I don't want to have to go that route.

    I have the same issue at work (E4th and Grand). If I toggle airplane mode on/off, my lte works for a breif time, then the spark wheel doesn't move, connection times out, then switches to 3g(it's a good thing i have wifi at work). This has been going on for over a month and i've called sprint 3 times on this issue but nothing seems to get fixed. At first I though it was a devise issue, I have the HTC One M8, but a guy I work with has a S3 and has the same problem at work. Yes, it is very annoying,

  2. gtpred99 - if you happen to get around SE 14th / Hartford area see if you can get some 1x800 from a tower near there.   Thanks for doing these screen shots of data lately !   Been a great help  :lol:

    gtpred99 - if you happen to get around SE 14th / Hartford area see if you can get some 1x800 from a tower near there.   Thanks for doing these screen shots of data lately !   Been a great help  :lol:

    At SE .14 and Hartford

    gtpred99 - if you happen to get around SE 14th / Hartford area see if you can get some 1x800 from a tower near there.   Thanks for doing these screen shots of data lately !   Been a great help  :lol:


    • Like 3
  3. All,


    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


    Here are some more.


    thanks all for your help! :D




  4. All,


    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


    Here are some more.


    thanks all for your help! :D




    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)

    This should be the crane building.


    thanks all for your help! :D


  6. got your other two 1x800 connections added, thanks!


    as to this question, in a word, yes, in a bigger word YES! we have the hex (GCI) confirmed for all of the known live towers in the metro so far and that isn't one of them! now the question becomes, what tower was that one coming from. we have a guess as the GCI's seem to be following a pattern but we need more data before we know for sure. the tower your 1x800 signal is coming from is one of our guesses for the GCI your LTE was coming from. only way to find out for sure is to get closer to the tower and see if the signal gets stronger. -80 RSRP is what we shoot for with LTE confirmations.

    At the tower.



    • Like 3
  7. All,


    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


    thanks all for your help! :D



    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


    thanks all for your help! :D



    • Like 1
  8. All,


    Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


    So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


    All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


    thanks all for your help! :D


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