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Posts posted by beezar

  1. I've recently been having a problem maybe you all could help me with.  Since the Spark update, LTE had been great.  However, now, my G2 doesn't want to stay on LTE.  It will almost always switch to 3G in known good LTE coverage.  The only way to fix it is to do a PRL update (I know ericdabbs mentioned that PRL has nothing to do with LTE, but this is what works).


    After a PRL update, it will stay on LTE for a little bit of time (like 5 minutes), then it will automatically go back to 3G, even if I don't move the phone.  A PRL update will bring it back to LTE.  It goes back to 3G even in the middle of a download.  A PRL update fixes it everytime for a short while.


    I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but the Airave people had been troubleshooting my phone as it wouldn't connect to the Airave.  It wasn't until later that I discovered it won't connect unless I physically switch it from Global to CDMA, but I'm not sure if they did something on their end to screw it up.


    Obviously, I don't want to have to do a PRL update everytime I want to receive data.  Any ideas?

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