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Posts posted by s3music

  1. Good Morning. Glad to find this site. Very good info. I have a question. My wife has a GS3 and has been getting spotty 4g all over W-S. For instance last night we were at Polo and University (6m down/ 1m up) Then traveled over to Reynolda and then all the way up Reynolda to our house in Pfafftown. She had 4g the whole time until we got to the other side of Shattalon. My question is why didn't my LG Optimus G show 4g? I have never been able to get solid 4g service with this device. I travelled to Charlotte a few weeks ago and only saw 4g for a few minutes then it was 3g the rest of the day. But my wife's GS3 had 4g the entire time. I would assume this is a device issue but I have sent this LG back for repair 3 times to LG for a different reason and would hope this was tested. Any ideas???? Is there any way to test the 4g radio? Thanks for the time!

    Optimus G is LTE and GS3 might not be LTE but using WiMax. WiMax 4g and 4g LTE is different. Check your GS3 and see if it's LTE version or 3g/wimax version.

  2. I guess we should hope to soon see phones with the 2.5Ghz that supported the old WiMax network. That will be the new TD-LTE network that should move Sprint to the top of the Data Bandwith Hill.


    Here is LTE network coverage now.

    They're currently testing .. I've got some good signal off the Sheetz @ W.Market ST. getting 20 mbps  dl and 6 mbps upload.

    Yay. They said they're rolling in LTE within 6 month in Greensboro. 

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