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Posts posted by maxpower1

  1. Actually 2 sites but if anyone wants to get a better vantage point on the progress in Omaha and Lincoln, become a sponsor and join us.  There is LOTS of work going on in our markets. I actually spoke to not 1, but 2 "crews" at two different sites today as I was just driving by to see if anything was going on. :)





    Do you work for the site?

  2. Based on what I was told and what has come to pass, I believe the GS4 I was told about turned out to be the GS4 Mini and the other was probably the Mega.


    I wouldn't rule out more later this year, though. These were the two in development at the time I heard from the source.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4


    Thanks. That stinks, but it's good info. Really love my Note 2 but I was not looking forward to keeping it for another year - if it was tri-band it'd be almost perfect.

  3. I hear what you're saying, as I won't buy a non-triband phone at this point. But there has to transition period at some point... This is just where the line so happened to be drawn. 

    I know it does, but it just doesn't make much sense when the mid range Mega 6.3 has tri-band and the Note 3 doesn't. That just seems unbelievable. Seems like that line was drawn a while back actually when you take into acct the Mega and s4Mini will both be tri-band. Oh well.

  4. Came in to join the discussion and this is the only thing I have to say about the Note 3 not having Tri-Band LTE radios.  No big deal, there's a good probability I'll end up upgrading again next year anwyay.


    I was already willing to keep the Note 2 for another year, without any issues whatsoever.  Only reason I decided to take the plunge on the Note 3 was due to Samsung stepping up and offering a minimum 32gb internal storage (w/ 25gb usable).  To me, that is absolutely golden and one major thing I complained about last year, as compared to anything else.


    Lastly, I'm more concerned about Sprint's slow NV updates, to where service at my house has gotten worse, when I was expecting it to get even better than it already was.  Sprint was the only provider to have extremely solid coverage at my house, but that is no longer the case, since NV started.  So, before I ever worry about having Tri-band LTE on any of my phones, I'd first like to see Sprint speed up the NV updates and make the network stable, rather than focusing on building out the extra 2 bands of LTE.  I'd even be happy if they managed to improve the 3G connectivity.


    Another thing I'm hoping they did, since it's my understanding that the Note 3 will be a world phone, is have the SIM card accessible again (just like the Photon), as well as unlocked.  Even without the tri-band LTE, the Note 3 would have great value as a "world" phone, that could be used in other countries.


    I'm right there with ya regarding the speed of NV upgrades lately. It would be interesting to hear from the executive team their strategy and reasoning.


    While this may be how you feel about the Note3, it is quite a ways off from how other people feel. Most people don't have the luxury of upgrading every year, nor do most people travel over seas and have a need for a world phone.


    If every phone in 2014 is going to be tri-band it is a pretty big oversight to launch a flagship model without tri-band 3 months before that date. Especially when you're planning to launch another model with tri-band and other companies already said they would do it. :dazed:

    • Like 1
  5. Any guesses on when you guys think HTC will announce the HTC One Max?  There has to be a reason why HTC is taking so long to announce this thing.   At this rate I assume more delays so I am thinking probably November. 


    Announce date is supposed to be Oct 15th. We'll be lucky to get it by Thanksgiving if that is the case.

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