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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by auggiego_14710

  1. ????????????????? https://t.co/3T2gH7ellM

  2. @BrandonLopezTV @ariodzernbc6 They left you out? ?

  3. @BrianWestbrook @AtlantisEvents I did in Wellington. Had a few unplanned days in Auckland but it was all good.

  4. @drmichaelgold Happy Birthday!

  5. @jpbrammer Hmm, did I write into hola Papi?

  6. @woot No RC Cola? *cry*

  7. #RIP Gord Downie This song brings back a lot of memories. https://t.co/qwwmPbE04A

  8. Bless bread and dessert! I have the fat part down, now just need to work on the sassy! https://t.co/guoZ3qdqGj

  9. Can someone please explain to me this Miss Vanjie thing? *I'm probably a bad homo for not knowing this.* https://t.co/4Bt3vImp5L

  10. Congrats @JairoAMarin https://t.co/sHPH9awcdC

  11. Felicidades @telemundo39 por sus 30 nominaciones a los lone star emmys!

  12. For the folks I talked to at #NAHJ #EIJ, it was a pleasure meeting you. I am delayed getting to Miami so you may not hear from me soon.

  13. Good luck Texas TLMD stations! @Noticias60 @TelemundoHou @Telemundo40 @Telemundo39 (and @NBCDFW )

  14. Heartbroken, but at least I know what I want. Now to go for it.

  15. Hope everyone had fun in #NAHJSA14

  16. I feel old! There is Venmo stalking now?? This is what happens when you age out of the 18-34 crowd. https://t.co/eocXuWrEvT

  17. I may not make it on time for the @AtlantisEvents cruise. ? Thanks to mechanical issues on this plane.

  18. I need to remember. Long distance running and cotton shirts = pain! Oww!

  19. I should keep quiet, now there are quakes?

  20. I still want a gen 2 @Motorola X on @sprint. This would make for a happy @auggiego

  21. I was looking through old pics of @staceyhonowitz and @MarkEiglarsh at American Media. There were some good memories there.

  22. I will say its scary and cool that @CostcoTweets called to warn us.

  23. I'm bummed HootSuite doesn't support Livejournal. Still have my early adopter account there. I should probably post once in a while.

  24. I've been in Florida too long. Good Lord, I don't want to get out of this warm bed today. https://t.co/590oO1e23P

  25. It's so odd to hear Christmas music while in shorts next to the pool. #ChristmasinFlorda

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