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Status Updates posted by 3scogbz

  1. @seanhannity @jimmykimmel Not sure what locker room you were ever in

  2. @TrueBritt Guess they didn’t fear for their lives ?

  3. @TrueBritt ? that suuuuuuuuucks had it a couple times. Lysol is your friend

  4. RT @JaredDudley619: I’m 6’7 and was ACC player of the Year bruh.. Only player to ever be 1st team All ACC and BIG EAST! The kid has a chanc…

  5. @Salon Isn’t it a little late for that? Maybe they should have started BEFORE he got indictments like they were going out of style

  6. RT @Karoli: Jesus H. Christ. Some WH official actually said "Everyone loves a season finale" about the WH firings rumors.

  7. RT @neiltyson: In five-billion years, as the Sun begins to die, its outer layers of glowing plasma will expand stupendously, engulfing the…

  8. @ReillyMarkowitz @KyleKulinski It’s not different. Winner take all. Don’t vote for either you’re voting for the shi… https://t.co/g5efmuxnpG

  9. @KTAR923 Uummmm yeah they very well should have. It’s drive thru not ride thru.

  10. @AP Arm the teachers they say.

  11. @social_nerve @jimmy_dore @washingtonpost Of course you don’t. I already said “when it’s properly regulated”. That… https://t.co/WsNhmFf3nx

  12. @Sup_Canuck @People4Bernie Because in its current unregulated state, it disproportionately benefits the wealthy eve… https://t.co/hHHdkb607Y

  13. RT @RepRubenGallego: A foreign power tried to rig our elections and influence how Americans vote. This isn't partisan. You’re either on Ame…

  14. @Gambo987 @THR JFC lighten up America.

  15. @TrueBritt ?? glad I never caught on to that app

  16. @thehill Sure it wasn’t called to make a pass at her?

  17. @TrueBritt That’s fucking terrible. Those are probably the same kids that gave me shit for being fat. I’m sorry Bri… https://t.co/Xr8N4cAiH9

  18. @popcultpirate Sounds like your bigger beef is that he’s white ?

  19. @AZSports Kirk Cousins

  20. @TrueBritt Yep. After the first agreement Donny flaked on. I’m wondering if it was a strategy by chuck knowing the… https://t.co/Wdel3xyaHr

  21. RT @thechungyy: my dad came at 12 yrs old w/o knowing any english. From living in a car with 7 ppl, he's now the dr. you go to when you're…

  22. @TrueBritt I don’t necessarily think of her as bad but it does disservice to women that her first thought was call… https://t.co/cw96BLn9xi

  23. RT @Comey: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send t…

  24. @Gambo987 You think Dragic would come back here? I’d love to have him back

  25. @FiveThirtyEight @ForecasterEnten How is the prison industrial complex supposed to keep making money if weed is legal

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