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Posts posted by xenophonkc

  1. Marcelo and Masa need to put together a plan that gets this done as soon as physically possible and fund it.  Even if it means borrowing lots and lots of money.


    What ever happened to the $16B that Softbank was going to invest in Sprint to fully complete the rollout?  They were distracted by attempting Tmobile acquisition, but now that's not happening, how about throwing the money back into completing the network.

    • Like 5
  2. Not gonna happen with 2.5GHz anytime soon. 800MHz will be everywhere, 2.5GHz is for markets that need it. They're not stopping at 100M either. It's just the goal for 2014 since it basically launched this year.


    Network Vision 1.0 is substantially complete, 2.0 is a different story.


    Yeah, I really meant 800 most everywhere and 2500 only where needing capacity.   I'm very impressed with what it CAN do, but it's just not broad enough.


    And it wasn't wise for CEO to claim 'substantially complete' when it implies they are now ready to compete.  They'll be able to compete when getting 800 most everywhere and 2500 in more areas.


    I'm satisfied enough to stick with Sprint but I have Spark on nearly every site in my area.  They claim LA is a Spark market but it's loaded with gaps, many sites don't have 800 and could likely solve issue with 800LTE.

    • Like 1
  3. Sprint is claiming their network is 'substantially complete'. 260M covered with 1900LTE, about 100M with 2500LTE and approaching 100M with 800LTE. As a Sprint customer, I can say it's improved significantly in last several months but they need 800LTE to cover 260M to fill in the gaps and deeper penetration. 800LTE does work nicely though where it's available..





    So here is how Sprint CAN be when there is 100% Spark (800/1900/2500) on every site.   I'm in a condo hirise with solid brick/concrete (midtown KC).  I can get 2500 band in the hallway and here is the test from this morning..
    2500 band getting over 40Mbps.  Note even though with very low signal due to being in a brick/concrete building...
    When at bottom of elevator at underground garage, 800 automatically kicks in.  Am able to get 9Mbps.  Note also with a very low signal.
    This shows it's on 800 band, when I head back upstairs, 2500 eventually kicks back in but may be several minutes...
    I get this consistently between home and work, which is great, but only because they have Spark on nearly every cellsite (midtown KC to downtown KC), not 70% of sites or less like most Spark markets.
    I was in a rural area of Tampa last week and got 800 inside a home and getting 5Mbps indoors and up to 20Mbps outdoors.  It would auto switch to 1900/2500 when approaching the site, but I noticed they didn't have 800 on every cellsite in the area and it needs to be.
    If Sprint can do Spark (800/1900/2500) on nearly every cellsite they have, they'll be in good shape.  They can blow away Tmobile and actually compete with ATT/VZW.  100M coverage with 800/2500 won't cut it.
    For those working at Sprint, please push new CEO to have a 2015 campaign to get Spark on nearly every cellsite, not 100M pops coverage with 800/2500.  If they think the network is 'substantially complete', they are in trouble.  In many so called Spark markets, they may have Spark on only every 3rd site and it's like swiss cheese.


    • Like 7
  4. What is the real story with Spark and simultaneous voice/data.  I'm getting ready to upgrade to a Spark phone but am hearing updates to allow all 3 bands don't allow simultaneous voice/data, which I must have.  Is it just under certain conditions that are temporary, untrue or is a long term deal.  

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  5. It is good on almost all upgraded sites because if LTE is active, the faster backhaul is there.  Generally, I can get almost 2 meg down at most sites on EVDO. Since LTE clients are off the EVDO, It will probably stay good. All my local sites are upgraded and are 3G, 800, and 4G capable.   Working good, ---no,--- better than good, call it GREAT.


    So what about when you are on 800 and no 1900 around.  800 doesn't support EVDO, right?

  6. Some phones do use 1900 first. Some use 800 first.  My Galaxy S3 grabs 800 mhz first.

    When you have total 800 Mhz coverage, handoffs to 1900 just rarely happen.  However, Yes, I hope they get the handoff issue working well. It is very hard for me to actually get in a position to test that now. If I do manage to get into a spot that will cause the loss of 800, there will be no 1900 there either.


    With LTE turned off, what is data speed?

  7. Too many people seem to associate mentally Snapdragon 800 with LTE 800.  The two numbers alike are nothing more than coincidence. 




    Yeah, I wasn't making that association, I know that Snapdragon 800 is an unrelated number. Was wondering if basically 'new' chipsets would more likely have 800LTE as well.  The answer is apparently 'not necessarily'.  

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