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Posts posted by jeffisbiking

  1. Thanks for the tower update!


    What carrier, just curious...


    Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE

    My wife and I went to AT&T (I pre-ordered the HTC One, she went with an S3). I'll lament the loss of unlimited data, but we almost never used more than 2GB between us, and we don't expect to use too much more data with having LTE vs. Sprint's 3G; we're figuring we'll use around 3-4GB per month.

  2. This will probably be one of the last couple times checking this thread (moving onto a new carrier), but I wanted to share that there was a lot of work being done on at least one of the towers located by the Bethel Rd/Riverside Dr intersection. I haven't seen them this week, but there was a crew working on it every day last week.

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  3. I was sitting at the Horseshoe parking lot on the NW side and was pulling over 1.5 Mbit down at 3 pm on a Tuesday just last week. I think it really depends on where you are for campus. Especially with it being so large.


    Last week was also spring break for OSU students, so that could have had an effect as well.

  4. Totally understandable if you decide to switch, but I get the feeling that you're going to regret that as we'll probably start to get LTE in the next couple months, and in the scheme of a 2 year contract, I'm not sure if I'd rather wait a little bit more or jump the gun and go to Big Red and lose unlimited data.


    It's funny that the unlimited data is part of what could keep my around. With my unlimited unbearably slow data, I only use around 200-500MB per month. I actually shy away from using my phone at work for data purposes because it's basically unusable. I actually tried to download the Sensorly app today, which is a 2.2 MB download. It spent about an hour and a half trying to download it before it just quit. With these kinds of speeds, I might as well not have a smart phone. That said, I'm weary of entering into a contract with another carrier for 1-2GB a month if I can't really predict what my usage will be when I have an actual, usable data connection during another 33% of each day Monday to Friday.


    So all in all, I'm a bit conflicted, but I'm still leaning towards leaving as a means to tell Sprint (with my wallet) that I'm not happy with their service right now.

  5. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents as a person who works downtown in the Arena District. I tend to get stuck on 1x the entire time I'm at work. The following is what I'm seeing speed-wise from Speed Test:


    763ms ping, 58 kbps down, and 24 kbps up. I would say this is about average (i.e. less than .1 Mbps up and down), but it's higher than what I usually get, probably because it's now mid to late December, and less and less people are at work through the end of the year.


    I'd post results for WiMax (I'm on the original EVO 4G), but I don't pick any up at my desk, which is probably more of a reception issue than anything else, because i can pick up WiMax a block or 2 south of here.


    With all that Sprint is doing to deploy their LTE network and NV, it's too late to save me as a customer. My contract runs out in a few weeks, and I'm probably heading for Verizon, but I'll watch this thread to see if there's any news encouraging enough to keep me for any longer past my contract fulfillment date.

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