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Posts posted by psu2fan

  1. I really hope signal improves for my brother who lives in north gates. I've got him on an airave now because his neighborhood is essentially a dead zone. When he moved there last spring we had wimax phones and the coverage was actually pretty good. After upgrading I was surprised that 3g was almost non-existent and phone calls would drop. I'll be over there tonight so I'll fire up sensorly and signal check to hopefully see some improvement.


    At the YMCA in Gates this morning with 4-5 bars LTE.

  2. I'm guessing it's tower work.  Coming out of work today I showed a strong 3g signal but when I opened up sensorly and ran aspeedtest I got 0 down and .12 up  Could have been something similar with you, I didn't make any calls or texts though.

    My gs3 keeps giving me error code 34 when trying to send text messages today, anyone else have this problem? I'm not sure if it is a result of work but I haven't seen any mention of it on S4GRU, only on Sprint community forums. It is really obnoxious. Any advice would be appreciated. Already tried cycling airplane mode and rebooting the device to no avail.

    Sent from my Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk 4

  3. Well I work on Marketplace Drive in Henrietta, and take 390 South to go home.  Hooked up to weak LTE Passing the THruway exit (Where I normally have 5 full bars of 3g) so I think I was actually connecting to a different tower.  Once I got past the Thruway overpass I was back on 3g, then another short blip just before the Rush exit.  I was streaming Slacker the whole way, no stoppages.  I'll fire up sensorly tomorrow (if I remember).


    Great progress after a long dead period!

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  4. I've taken a few speedtests now, I'm averaging roughly 1.8mbit down.  That's from inside my house where signal is a bit inconsistant.  The range is 1.5-2.1mbits.  Just last night returning from work I noticed sprint was down completely here and I was roaming, then around the time I posted I was back on sprint and noticed we browsing was a little snappier so  Idid a speedtest.  As you can see my ping is still really high.  About a year ago I saw the best speeds I ever had here, right about 1mbit.  But the last several months it had gotten pretty bad ~3-500kbit.  Things seem to be progressing nicely in the market now!.  My work buddy lives in Dansville and confirmed the 4g, though I can't get him to do a speedtest :P


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