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Posts posted by Malinois71

  1. So I found a number to the corporate office in Fort Worth, Texas. I called and asked to speak to Dan Hesse. There was a pause and they said he was busy, etc. They transferred me to one of his tech assistants and I went off for 10 mins straight. 45 mins later I hang up after we are done. Bad news people. The LTE build out is scheduled to be completed in 3 months. He apologized about all the Sprint stores in the area telling me this summer as that's why I resigned back in April. I was a fool. So the earliest is 3 more months from now. Maybe longer he said. Sprint clearly has zero game plan about this. The only good thing that came out of this is the techs are going to call me back in about a week. If I'm still having the same trouble Sprint will give me a new HTC One. He thinks it could be my actual phone. Yeah, ok is not but I'll take a new one. So anyways he confirmed my speed test on 3G around Madison. Speeds like .3,.5 mbps He said he was shocked. I laughed and told him this is normal Sprint service. In the end this post is to tell you not to hold your breath on 4G anytime soon. I can post the phone number if anyone wants it.

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