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Posts posted by hedphurst

  1. So, it seems like this thread has gone pretty much dead, and over the past year or so, my phone has gotten a pretty decent signal most of the places I go around town, including an LTE signal more often than not. I've been one of the unlucky ones who had never gotten a 4G signal at home, though... Until now! I went out of town last weekend, and noticed last night that my status bar indicated an LTE connection, instead of the usual weak EHRPD signal I've been stuck with at home for years. I did a speed test from my driveway just now, and while this isn't gonna knock anyone's socks off, I'm very happy with finally getting over 2Mbps download speeds without having to rely on my Wi-Fi!






    It's nice to know that even though the Cleveland market's upgrades gave seemed to plateau over the last year, that they're still doing work and turning on new towers. Or at least one!

    • Like 2
  2. Seems as though they've really slowed down the process in the area...unless it's just that no one is posting in this thread anymore??

    I know in North Olmsted, the speeds by the mall are pretty fast. Not sure if they've done anything else though.

    Yeah, I haven't noticed any new areas with LTE lately. I still have a weak EHRPD at my house, with a solid LTE signal just a few blocks away, and most places I go here on the east side and downtown, I get a decent 4g signal. Just not at home, which is a bummer, but the voice coverage is a little better than it used to be, so I'm not itching to leave for T-Mobile like I was a few months ago.
  3. Anyone able to update/verify that downtown speeds are still 4G-like? thanks.

    I've been getting 4G in the E4th/Gateway districts lately, but not indoors or in alleys. I assume the signal will continue to be spotty in areas without a clear view of the sky until the IBEZ issues are resolved.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

  4. It's not showing up on my Sensorly maps yet, but I mapped my trip from downtown Cleveland to South Euclid last night, and I had LTE all the way from E9th & Prospect, east on I90, got off at E185th, and still held the 4g signal until I crossed Euclid Ave on Highland/Dille/E185th. Looks like they turned on a cluster of towers last night, at least for testing, if not for real. It was the best drive home from work that I've had in a LONG time!


    Sent from my unknown using Tapatalk

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  5. {style_image_url}/attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396639272.914043.jpg 3G instead of 1X on Mayfield Rd. from Dorsh until Noble. Upgrading? ;)



    Sent from my Blue iPhone 5C using Tapatalk ????

    I've been getting LTE (albeit a relatively weak signal) on that stretch of Mayfield the last few days on my Note II. The tower on Warrenville Center between Mayfield and Herold is reported as having issues, and supposed to be fixed by May 1. Hopefully, the fix includes NV and/or LTE, and will get that area up to a strong, fast signal soon.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  6. I just had a brief LTE connection at the intersection of Belvoir and Mayfield in South Euclid for the first time. It wasn't a strong signal, I was driving and dropped down to 1x before a speed test completed, but while I had around -100db connection strength, I got download speeds of about 6-8Mbps. I live very close to that intersection, so this is by far the most positive sign I've seen in my home area since Sprint announced they were moving away from WiMax for LTE.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  7. If you want to go to tmo then go, we don't need to hear about it. We are on the verge of actually getting a good sprint network in this market. If you have been following these post you would know that. Those of us that have been waiting for awhile are glad we are almost there. Why anyone would think they needed to post some kind threat to leave sprint on this site is beyond me. We don't control sprints progress, we celebrate it since those of us with a little patients are poised to reap real rewards.


    Sorry about my rant. Just tired of reading threats to leave if sprint doesn't do such and such by someone's personal timeline. Post it on tmos blog. They will love it there.


    Jim, Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2

    Take it easy. Sometimes it just feels good to vent to other people who are in the same situation. Anybody who's been with Sprint in this area for more than a few months has already displayed some patience with the process, and nobody is saying that the upgrade process is easy, or that progress isn't being made. I've been with Sprint for almost 4 years, and I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to enjoy a high level of service soon without switching carriers, but I completely understand the frustration that comes with dealing with 1x data speeds in the meantime (I haven't had anything better than 0.5Mbps downstream around my house in close to a year).


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  8. Mayfield Heights is close to South Euclid (where I go to school) so I hope those upgrades are coming true :(



    Sent from my Blue iPhone 5C using Tapatalk ????

    I live on South Euclid, so I'm hoping upgrades in this area happen soon, too. As it is now, I just received an Airave last week, since for the past few months, incoming phone calls wouldn't even ring inside my house. The Airave has "fixed" that issue, but I still get mostly just 1x around town. My contract isn't up until December but if things don't improve before the S5 is released, I'll probably jump ship for T-Mobile and take advantage of their ETF reimbursement.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  9. I caught an LTE signal on Mayfield Rd near Brainard for the first time today. I got about 10Mbps down and 5Mbps up, and then around the intersection of Mayfield and Som Center, the signal degraded enough that I got less than 0.5Mbps down at that point, but it's the closest to my home area that I've seen 4g so far!


    Posted Image


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  10. I just took a drive down 271 to the Northfield Rd exit, then drove north up Northfield with Sensorly running and my network set to LTE only. Picked up an LTE signal by the raceway, and held onto the signal until I hit the Northfield/Warrensville/Chagrin intersection.Unfortunately, that's still too far south and east to do me any good in my everyday travels, but at least there's LTE making its way close to my home. Progress is slow, but it's happening, little by little. I'm looking forward to the day when I can finally take full advantage of this phone without having to rely on Wi-Fi hotspots!

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