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Posts posted by wymers24

  1. There is already at least one LTE enabled tower in Des Moines. It's just not publicly accessible yet. It should be soon. And there will be more and more in the next several weeks, certainly before October.


    Is there anyway the public is able to use the LTE tower in Des Moines? like with a custom PRL?



    I heard a rumor today that they will not be active until Octobor 1st.


    And I believe he is talking about my post a month ago.

  2. Sprint is on a rolling schedule with LTE announcements. Roughly once a month. I expect the next announcement with market launches to come Aug 28 - Sept 4. With the next one being mid October. 


    Sprint to does not wait to active LTE to sync with anything. AS SOON AS A SITE IS READY, it goes live. No if ands or buts. With some rare exceptions, once a site is accepted as LTE Complete, it is broadcasting LTE to everyone within range within a week of us getting the acceptance report.


    Ok. I do not know very much about this subject. I just wanted to spread what I heard today. I read the news quite often, so I understand now that I have been reading about the announcments and not the cities going live in sync of each other.

  3. I heard a rumor today that they will not be active until Octobor 1st. As with past 4G Rollouts, sprint has waited until specific dates so that the rollout is synced with other cities. I predict that Octobor 1st will be the date that Sprint has it's next major rollout throughout the nation.


    I'm wondering if sprint will setup 4g near the Fair Grounds like verizon did for there rollout. Although I wish the date was closer, It does make me happy to see that activity for these towers has suddenly grown substantually in the past week.

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