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Posts posted by Weirdfate

  1. Well I called to se why my wife's s3 (on boost mobile) has better reception than my iPhone. They then went on to tell me that RI was set to be updated to Spark and that the normal LTE build out was done, as it may be just not activated at every site yet. She also told me that the s3 is a gsm phone and that's why it had better connection? I do know there's a SIM in my iPhone so wouldn't that be a GSM connection as well? God I don't know why I call them cause every time it's a different line of bull!!

  2. Looking like testing is going on now. I got LTE from about 3:00 pm last night almost all over Warwick and most of west Warwick! I'm assuming only test signals because I'm only getting between 5 and 7 down! So happy to see LTE on my phone :)

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  3. So my service has sucked the last few days as well as slow to no 3G. I called sprint and the customer service rep couldn't figure out why and escalated it to the engineers. I got a call almost an hour after and they told me the towers I use the most are in the process of being worked on for the network vision. I drove to the tower in west Warwick by the high school and sure enough there working away on it. They have been there for over a week now. I was told that the towers are done in clusters so three in my area are being done now. I asked if lte was going to be turned on after and she couldn't answer that because it depends on approval and other factors

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