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Posts posted by megabiteg

  1. Its going to take, time. Sprint started to roll out lte very publicly and late there that they first invested on wimax. But it took them about 2 years to get wimax to a point other carriers have their lte networks today.


    Unfortunately we started last in this race and we will still come in last, let's just hope they get it right.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  2. On the "innovation district" side of the channel today at noon .45 Mbps down and a whopping .03 Mbps up.

    At 12:45 on the South Station side of the channel Lte 10.8 Mbps down and 4.36 Mps up.


    This is like a 5 minute walk, how are these so different? Why doesn't the Lte signal reach?






    They could also be under powered or not calibrated correctly. They are still in testing so when its on, they might just be doing communications tests and see how everything reports back to the BSC


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


    The one posted by David279 earlier in this thread:




    It says LTE goes online around Barnstable on 9/12 and Eastern MA 9/21.


    But remember that though it says that it's going online on that town, depending where you live in the town and which towers they light up you may or may not be in that radius.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

  4. Some people in the initial roll out cities had to toggle the network setting from CDMA to CDMA.LTE or something like that. to get LTE to connect. Actually, now that I think about it, it may have only been EVO LTE owners.


    Oh, well lots of people manually set their phones to CDMA only because they thought they they would get better battery life and signal strength by doing so. That's why when they lit up LTE in your area they had to switch back, because they had disabled the radio.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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