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Posts posted by Siciliano15

  1. the PRL I have on my phone is 60797 which means that there is no smr 800. i live right on the border of westchester and ct. how can i get a 25xxx prl into my blackberry 9350? the phone specs say it supports frequencies 817-824 and 862-869 so i should have a PRL that allows that. i tried to do the PRL update feature in the phone but it doesnt change anything.

  2. I have a Blackberry 9350 and its the model that is capable of receiving the smr 817-824 and 862-869 frequencies. I also noticed that my current PRL is 60797. I tried the update and it doesnt change. How can I get a 25015 PRL into my phone? I am on the boarder of westchester and connecticut so i am not sure if the 800 mhz is live yet but i have horrible service at my house. Like 1 bar to none. My old nextel blackberry 8350i had 5 bars alll the time.

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