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Status Updates posted by JustinRP37

  1. How many pages do they think are required for 500 words?! My God Calder admin! One page not three! #gradstudentproblems

  2. Howson fired by #cbj. About two years late and many millions wasted. #nhl

  3. I always forget how beautiful and creepy @LouisCalderCtr is at night. You never know what may jump out in front of you. #workinglate

  4. I am always amazed at how winter morphs into spring. The outdoor world comes back to life. This year has been spectacular. #winter #spring

  5. I am always amazed how little tea actually goes into an #sbux iced tea.

  6. I am always astounded at how poorly run and how little employee training there is at the #NYSDMV. It is 2015 not 1915! #inefficiency

  7. I am hungry. Anyone want to bring me pizza. Have to be in a lab meeting where nothing is getting done... #gradstudentproblems

  8. I am pretty sure that cable is the only industry that is able to declare their hardware actually appreciates as it ages. #sameolddvr

  9. I am shocked how the refs never call anything against Pittsburgh.. Oh wait no I'm not. #nhl #nyr

  10. I am the idiot for thinking there would be scalpels in the drawer labelled scalpels in the prep room. #gradstudentproblems

  11. I am thinking we will see a just below average #adult tick season. But remember, it is always the #tick you don't see that gives you #Lyme!

  12. I better not have left my #stats book on my other desk! I got work to do #science

  13. I cannot believe that I am still a @NYRangers fan after years of abuse. I miss the Whale, at least they were consistently terrible. #NYR

  14. I do not know how people work with one #computer monitor. Dual-screen is great! Now I might need tri-screen! #productivity #morescreens

  15. I feel like a ping pong ball today. #crazyday

  16. I feel like being a tech nerd today, but I really should get some exercise outside then go back to writing this exam. #academiclife

  17. I feel like I am in a bad reality tv show... How long can he go before going ape-shit in the waiting room at the car dealership? #fuckcars

  18. I feel like I am running in circles today! What am I missing?! #WTF #oneofthosedays

  19. I feel like there is something not right about eating the Pope. #popecookie #PopeinNYC http://t.co/WNJAs7ff8v

  20. I forgot the Google account user name and password for the lab. I was the one that set them. Really?? #gradstudentproblems

  21. I hate feeling sick...

  22. I hate taking the last train of the night. #fml #drunks

  23. I hate watching NBA, but nothing amuses me more than how terrible the Knicks are.

  24. I have always loved FiOS but @VerizonSupport has really screwed people with their new pricing packages. I love being screwed.

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