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Posts posted by trad3rjohn

  1. If you haven't made your decision yet, I'd like to weigh in as I am equally shopping for a new phone. I am in no way biased towards either company. It seems like there are some sprint loyalists on this forum.


    Here is my story -


    I have been with Sprint for about 12 years and I have remained a loyal customer. No real complaints that I can think of that other carriers don't have. I have come to realize that Sprint charges too much money. I don't have my bill in front of me right now, but I can easily tell you why I am going to be leaving Sprint and settling for the Tmobile $70/month plan till I see if their coverage is subpar.


    Here is an idea of my last bill from Sprint.


    Simply everything plan - $99/month. (I use my phone for work  and I don't care to differentiate between land lines and cell phones. Actually I call a lot of toll free numbers, receive international calls from mobile phones and those are not covered under the "cell to cell unlimited" plan.)


    Premium Data Add on Charge - $10/month. There is no way around this if you need a data plan on your smartphone. I mean, which phone isn't "smart" these days.


    Sprint Mobile Hotspot plan 2GB - $19.99/month. I was out of town a few months and had no wifi coverage so I decided to add that item to my plan so I could use the hotspot to work on my laptop.


    Surcharges, Fees & Govt Taxes - $20. I'm not crying about that.


    My total bill with Sprint is running over $150 a month and I could get the same for $70/month with Tmobile. I have no idea how their coverage is, but at this point since I have no contracts with Sprint, I think I'd take my chances.


    Here's my conservative math if I end up with Sprint for the Samsung Galaxy 4, which I am looking into. $249 + taxes on full amount of phone (roughly $300 or slightly more to walk out of the store with the phone). Add a conservative 150 x 12 = $1800 + 300 = $2100 total per year (with contract)


    With tmobile I can get the same thing for $649 (phone cost) + $840 (70 x 12) = $1489


    I love Sprint, but they are hurting my pockets. I live in Los Angeles and the data on my phone is slower than dialup at times when surfing the web.


    I will come back to comment on if the switch is worth it after trying out Tmobile for a week. Stay tuned.

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