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Posts posted by steveo314

  1. Well that's not really funny business.. prior to Android 4.2, there was no standard Android routine to get the LTE cell identity. So to get it, you need an alternate method, like SignalCheck uses to get it on HTC devices. Unfortunately, other manufacturers do not make access to this data very easy, and Samsung has security measures in place that complicate things even further. Making things worse, Samsung has been slow to add "standard" support in their devices running Android 4.2.


    I'm still working on it though, because I know how valuable that data would be for my Samsung users. Until last month, Samsung and HTC devices were by far the most popular among SignalCheck users. Now the Nexus 5 and G2 have exploded onto the stat sheet, so I am trying to add more support for LG devices, but I am not abandoning my Samsung efforts.



    Yea Samsung has always been broader on things they do with Android. I've used a Captivate, GNex, S3 & S4. I am the proud owner of Signal Check Pro. Its a great app. I know your doing everything you can and everyone appreciates it, but I'm ready for the day when you "crack their code" to be able to have the cell id display in your app on the Samsungs.

  2. Man, you're old. I think I was only 30 when that went down.. ah, memories. I remember rooting my EVO Shift (a Windows phone for those of you unfamiliar) to get a hacked-together version of Froyo on it. Even with its limited functionality, I remember thinking it was exactly what I hoped to see on phones someday. Still love it, many desserts later.


    I have no problem supporting older devices, at least for now. They are actually easier, manufacturers didn't try as much funny business behind the scenes back then, and there was none of this crazy new-fangled LTE stuff to worry about!



    Like getting the Sammies to show the serving cell......

  3. They have upgraded all the sites period. 


    I don't consider the site at Union and Forest Park to cover the Central West End.

    Oh Ok. I just noticed the other two CWE sites are DASs.....

    I guess it would help if they would do those so the people in those two buidlings wouldnt be pulling the outside LTE.

    And Id consider Forest Park Hospital and Union and Forest Park to be Forest Park as well instead of the CWE. It will be nice when the Zoo and Science Center have LTE.

  4. Unfortunately, all the sites covering the Central West End have been upgraded. There are still a couple more to go in Midtown, so that will help.


    It's going to take 800MHz LTE and 250MHz LTE to relieve some of that congestion. 


    Sprint is not likely to start using any additional PCS spectrum for LTE any time soon.

    Do you mean all the sites they are going to upgrade have been upgraded or do you mean they have upgraded all of the sites in the CWE period??? And this will of course be a congested area because you have 2 or 3 hospitals there (one of which is Big Barnes) and all the other businesses as well. There are 6 or 7 sites that cover the area but only 4 are upgraded.

  5. Yes it is good Sprint is holding the update. Battery life is good(at least with my S3) so why risk it and have to downgrade? Rather have a no-bug 4.3. And it will be nice to get more of the features of the S4.


    A representative from Sprint tells FOX 2 a voice outage was “caused due to a minor maintenance issue. It started around 5:50 am CT and was resolved at 7:20am CT.”

    Sprint says customers in Kansas City, KS & Mo, Oklahoma City and St. Louis were affected, but Sprint says full service should be active at this time.

    However, reports continue to come in from viewers that their phones are still not working, and employees in the building who have Sprint phones also do not have service. Twitter continues to be full of people complaining about the lack of service in the St. Louis area.

    Some customers have regained service by powering their phones down, then turning them back on.




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